Kitty (Formaggio x Reader fluff)

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(Edit by me hehe.)

Today was a very important day for both you and your boyfriend Formaggio , you guys were finally gonna adopt a kitten! Formaggio had already bought all the neccesities for it so what was left was to simply get a cat at the shelter. He been begging you to get a cat for several months now, you knew he would take care of it but the problem was you didn't have enough money for supplies, you barely even had enough to pay the damn bills until one day, you came home to find Formaggio smugly sitting on the couch surrounded by cat products, that's when you decided, that you guys could finally get yourselves a cat.Formaggio was finally getting paid after a month with no paycheck.

Formaggio was the happiest man alive, he was jumping with excitement around the house with the goofiest smile ever. He truly was childish but that's one of the reasons why you fell in love with him in the first place, he was a lovable childish idiot. After you had gotten ready , you both rushed to the car as your excited boyfriend called shotgun. As he drove, he couldn't help but slightly giggle the entire time out of joy as he held your hand with his free hand while keeping the other on the steering wheel. You guys were discussing about names to give your future pet the entire time until you both finally arrived at your desired destination, the shelter. To your embarrasement, Formaggio ran inside the building as he dragged you with him by the hand. The receptionist stared at you both as you awkwardly smiled .''Hello welcome to the city's shelter...What can I do for you both today?''She spoke calmly but you could tell she was slightly unsettled by Formaggio's overly wide smile. '' Well um me and my wonderful boyfriend would like to adopt a kitten please.''You spoke before Formaggio could say anything himself, you weren't about to embarass yourself any further than you already have .

'' Alright follow me you two.''

With a nod, you both followed her until you arrived at the cat section. There was so many of all ages but one seemed to catch Formaggio's eye the most. It was a gorgeous kitten, it looked so soft, but it was also slightly wobbly Formaggio pointed at it and asked about it

'' Why is it wobbly?..''

''Ah she was born with a condition that makes her struggle with her balance, because of that nobody wants her.''

Formaggio seemed truly saddened by the employee's answer because his smile slowly faded but then it was soon replaced with a determined smile.

''We will take her.''

The employee's eyes widened in shock but she seemed really happy that Formaggio chose it.

After getting all the papers ready and paying , you were finally bringing your new cat (name) home and she seemed quite fond of you two already. After arriving home, you took (name) out of her cage and she immediately made herself at home. Formaggio ended up helping her walk as you both played with ( name ) the entire time until she eventually fell asleep inside the little cat bed that Formaggio had bought. For once in your boyfriend's life, he wasn't getting scratched by a cat , she also wasn't a brat either, she was very surprisingly really well behaved. Formaggio promised himself that he would help ( name ) walk no matter what. You softly kissed his cheek as you both watched your new kitten nap, she was truly cute. You guys were ready to love (name) no matter what . It was gonna be a challenge to make her more capable of walking but you and Formaggio were ready to do it no matter how hard it got. You softly whispered a greeting to the peacefuly sleeping feline as you rubbed her soft fur ,being extra careful to not wake her up.

''Welcome to your new family our sweet kitten (name).''

(Formaggio just want cats to love him man 😔.Poor Cheese .)

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