❤️Okuyasu x Reader headcanons (sfw/nsfw)

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(Thank you so much for your request LunaEvergreen00 ! I really had fun writing this!)

🧡~ Okuyasu is 100% a bottom, you must be wilding if you think otherwise I mean ..It's pretty fucking obvious..He's way too precious to be dominant in bed. He doesn't want to hurt you while doing it so he asks you to be the dom one . He also doesn't think he's good enough to be the dom but if you really ask for it he will try to be because he just wanna make you happy. 😔

🖤~ Okuyasu has a hugeeee praise kink. He needs to be reminded constantly on how good he's doing in pleasing you or he will start to cry.(since he doesn't really believe in himself)

❤️~Okuyasu is pretty touch starved so please give him lots of affection! Just one hug from you is enough to make him a blushing mess.

🧡~ He's not very good with his words so he rather show you his feelings with actions instead.

🖤~ Okuyasu takes you to Tonio's pretty regularly and the precious bean always pays the bill even if you offer him that you'll pay for it instead.

❤️~ He's mostly the big spoon while cuddling! He likes it better that way since he feels like he's keeping you safe when you're encased in his arms.

🧡~ Okuyasu lowkey came his pants when y'all first kissed, it was pretty embarrasing for him but luckily for Okuyasu , you didn't seem to mind it.

🖤~He brags about how great you are to his friends constantly and damn does he look precious while doing it.

''Josuke you don't understand!! Y/N is like the best when it comes to cuddles! Not that I can compare it to someone else's but still...''

''Okuyasu...Bro...You literally said that three times already today.''

❤️~ Okuyasu lowkey wants you to use toys on him so that you can tease him into oblivion but he's way too shy to say so.

🧡~He often wonders why you would want him over someone else. Okuyasu thinks that he isn't worthy of you :(.(which is not true, Okuyasu deserves the fucking world man)

🖤~ Okuyasu will pick a fight with anyone that dares to insult you in any way, no questions asked and no exceptions.(unless it's Josuke because thats his homie but then again..Josuke isn't the type to talk shit about his friends.)

❤️~ He always cooks for you when you come over to his house! He happens to be a really good cook too!

🧡~ When Okuyasu is horny he usually takes care of it himself instead of asking you to help him. He doesn't want to be a bother!

🖤~ Okuyasu is overall a very caring,loyal and affectionate boyfriend.

(I'm so fucking glad my book isn't completely dead yet lmao... Anyway I hope this was to your liking LunaEvergreen00!!)

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