Believe in yourself (Pesci x Reader fluff)

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(Ok I know I said that I wouldn't write about my own ideas anymore but...This idea was just way too cute to not write about it. This is seriously the cutest oneshot idea I ever thought about so yeah...ENJOY!)

(The original edit is by Sougiya but the necklace, pupils and the earings were drawn by me)( this is how I imagine Pesci looking like after Golden Wind if he had survived. Sniff.)

Pesci never was very confident in himself.

In fact..

He always took cover behind you when things would go down.

But not today.

Today it was his turn to shine.


Pesci was once again alone.

He could see how horrible he looked from the water's reflection.

His eyes were red and puffy and his face was heavily bruised.

His older brother had punched him again.

''Why is he so angry at me all the time?..Why does each time that I try to talk to him he hits me..?''

Pesci sniffled with watery eyes as he stood up and prepared to leave but suddently stopped in his tracks at the sound of a distant voice.

''You guys are so cute! Your scales seem shinnier than yesterday Miss Namdra!''

Pesci was confused, from the distance he could see a person that was no older than him seemingly talking to a group of fish.

''Oh no I gotta go it's getting late! I'll see you later you love birds!''

Before they could leave however Pesci had decided to shout .


The mysterious person having heard the boy , turned to look at him as he slowly approached them with shy steps.

''Yeah I did..And I don't care if you think I'm lying..''

Pesci could see how hurt the person looked, their (color) eyes were filled with loneliness and sadness.

But even though their eyes looked sad and lonely...

They defended themselves with so much confidence..

Pesci was in awe from their bravery to stand up for themselves.

''I do-n't think you're lying-.''

Their eyes widened in shock as Pesci blushed in embarrasement from being looked at with such positive intensity.

Pesci wasn't used to being looked at with positive feelings so it felt very embarrasing for him.

"You believe me?.."

Pesci firmly but shyly nodded his head while poking his pointer fingers together as the mysterious stranger began to blush at how adorable the green haired bean looked.

"It's the first time someone believed me...I was always able to talk to animals, I don't know why. I prefer talking to fish though, their stories are always so interresting."

"Co-uld I  please he-ar one of the sto-ries you heard fr-om them ?"


And thus...A beautiful friendship had been born..

One that would later change Pesci for the better...

Back to the present time...


Pesci honestly couldn't believe that he was talking back to his older brother, after so many years of enduring his bullying without even saying a word.

"I never understood why you hated me Aniki...I tried all my life to be the best just to make you proud."

Pesci had enough.

You getting hurt by Prosciutto was the last straw for him.

"Y/N always told me to believe in myself because they said I'm strong but...Up until now I never did anything when they protected me , I acted like a darn coward!"

Prosciutto was not amused.

"Listen Mammoni..."

Prosciutto began to squeeze your throat harder with a sadistic smile while you desperately tried to find your voice to call for nature's help as Pesci began to nervously sweat.

You were scared and so was your best friend but you refused to give up.

You wanted to witness Pesci standing up for himself.

"I suggest you calm down otherwise I will tell Boss that Y/N had tried to bring a dog inside the base, you wouldn't want them getting punished do you?"

Pesci could feel his insides boil with pure anger at the sight of you struggling to breathe.

He never felt this much adrenaline before.

"Let... Them....Go....Now or I'll...Get...Violent Aniki.."

Prosciutto simply laughed thinking Pesci was bluffing but unknown to him...He wasn't.

And he learnt it the very hard way.

Before Prosciutto could even open his mouth to spew more bullshit, Pesci summoned his stand and hooked his brother's jaw onto it.

The blonde quickly summoned his stand in retaliation to try and stop him but Pesci didn't care.

Pesci had gathered enough force even for his now old age to toss Prosciutto across the room rendering him unsconcious when he hit the wall.

After Pesci dismissed his stand, he quickly ran to you with tears streaming down his cheeks as the other members of LaSquadra rushed to see what had happened.

"Y/N-...I did it...I believed in myself."

Despite your heavily bleeding arms and dizzyness, you managed to grab Pesci's cheeks with teary eyes as you rubbed them lovingly while Pesci could only blush in response.

"I'm proud of you Pesci....I'm so proud of you..."

That was the last thing you said before you lost consciousness.

When you woke up, you were pleased to see that the dog you had tried to bring in was now in your bed sleeping peacefully while Pesci and the rest of the team apart from Prosciutto were surrounding you.

"Good morning Y/N."

To your surprise nobody seemed mad at you nor at Pesci, in fact everyone was seemingly smiling at him apart from Ghiaccio because he's a grumpy ass hoe.

"I heard of what happened between you and Prosciutto , you won't be punished in any way for your good deed, I don't mind you keeping a pet that had been abused as long that you pay for it, Prosciutto has been removed from the team because he used violence against an heavily injured member and that is simply unnacceptable, Pesci did the right thing."

This was the first time that you actually saw Risotto smile and it was 100% genuine.

You couldn't help but cry with tears of joy as you hugged your best friend while Formaggio and Melone cheered at the very wholesome display.

"Thank you Y/N for making me finally believe in myself."

You had finally succeeded in changing him...For the better.

(Pesci is so fucking adorable seriously I can't oh my God I love him so much it's unreal- .He deserves way more love than he currently gets! He's a precious little bean that we must protect at all costs.)

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