❤️Josuke x Reader headcanons (sfw)

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(Sorry that I'm late yeshud ! I had like no motivation to write lmao. Anyway ! I hope you enjoy this mess.)

❤️~ First things first, Josuke is a discrete affection giver. He won't be overly loud about his love nor will he try to make it everyone's problem( unlike Okuyasu).

🧡~ His favorite type of touching is holding hands! (He likes how warm your hands feels in his)

🖤~ He's literally so fucking sweet, he's too shy to ask for kisses so you have to kiss him yourself and when you do he gets so blushy! He's so fucking adorable.

❤️~ You are the only person that's allowed to touch his hair. (Just don't ruin it)

🧡~ Dates between you two often consists of y'all playing video games together until y'all can no longer keep your eyes open anymore.(Josuke is often the first one to fall asleep though)

🖤~ The amounts of times that Josuke drooled all over your chest while sleeping is honestly quite surprising but..Luckily for him you don't mind at all when he does.(He gets super flustered about it though)

❤️~ He is absolutely terrible at flirting, which is why he NEVERS flirts with you. (Unless he's very sleep deprived)

🧡~ Josuke is such an hopeless romantic, he wants to marry you and have children with you in the future and he let's you know everyday how much you mean to him( Biological children are prefered (if possible)but he wouldn't mind adopting a child with you at all)

🖤~ Josuke is a switch when it comes to spooning, it honestly depends on his mood , on bad days he prefers to be the small spoon (since he finds it more comforting to be cuddled from behind by you when he had a shitty day)

❤️~ He's literally the sweetest boy! He will sometimes buy you your favorite snacks and drinks when he can afford it. (Since he mostly spends his money on fashion stuff lmao)

🧡~ Josuke is such a good house wife, he learned to cook just so that you can have a delicious meal made by him when ever you come over to see him.(He isn't that great at it but he's trying his best!)

🖤~ Josuke would be lying if he'd say that he didn't try some of your clothes at least once in secret when you aren't in town (He does it because it feels like he's being hugged by you/your scent)

🧡~ He sometimes helps you with your homework. (if he can understand it that is lol)

❤️~ Overall, Josuke is a shy but very passionate and extremely caring boyfriend.

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