Polnareff x Reader headcanons (sfw)

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(Gosh Polnareff looks so fucking adorable in that pic heheh.)

❤️~ Polnareff is a pretty outgoing guy so if he likes you he will tell you right away.

🖤~ He always calls you "Mon Amour" which means "My Love" in french.

🧡~Polnareff can and will treat you to expensive restaurant because he thinks that his lover should be spoiled rotten.

"Only you Y/N lover of I the great Jean Pierre Polnareff deserves the best of the best!"

❤️~Will let you play with his hair because as long that you enjoy yourself that's all that matters to him.

🖤~ Unlike some would like to believe, Polnareff doesn't go around flirting once he dated you in fact he considers himself extremely lucky to have such a wonderful first lover. He doesn't take it for granted, he has STANDARDS.

🧡~Polnareff is a very needy guy, he wants your attention and affection constantly but he doesn't try to bother you when you're busy or feeling unwell, he is pure GENTLEMAN material.

❤️~You got him a boston terrier as a gift for his birthday and he literally cried about it for ten minutes, y'all named him Iggy :).

🖤~ Polnareff always gives you massages if your muscles are tense. He is surprisingly pretty skilled in massages actually!

🧡~He quit smoking because you complained that his breath stunk because of it lmao.

❤️~Will wear anything you give him even if it's considered ugly to most, all that matters to him is that you were the one that chose it.

🖤~Baguette man often whispers french stuff in your ear to try and sound seductive but most of the time it ends up making you laugh but that's fine! Your laugh is very precious to him.

🧡~Polnareff is an extremely romantic guy, he will tell you how much he loves you and how you're the perfect person and that's he's lucky to have you in his life.

"Y/N you're one of the best things that happened to me in my entire life."

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