Proscicutto x Reader headcanons (sfw)

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❤️~ Huge tsundere alert! Proscicutto will never admit it out loud that he cares about you , he doesn't wanna be seen as weak for having feelings.

🧡~ Each time he goes on missions with you and his brother, he gets secretly very jealous of the amount of encouragement and kind words you tell Pesci, he wants some too , but the problem is each time he gets some he acts like he doesn't want it.

🖤~ He does his best to avoid you since he doesn't want to fall deeper in love with you but at the same time he wanna be around you as much as possible.

❤️~ He's an absolute expert at hiding his feelings towards somebody, nobody knows of his crush on you not even the biggest brain of the group Risotto.

🧡~ Surprisingly enough he avoids smoking around you since he knows you don't like the smell, he doesn't plan on quitting though sadly.

🖤~ He hates it when you have to go on missions with Melone or Formaggio since they always flirt with you, Prosciutto convinced himself it's because he doesn't want you to deal with their bullshit but in reality he's kinda scared you'll get attracted to them instead of him since he's not really doing any effort in trying to gain your affection.

❤️~ He's not really sure if he wants to confess, he doesn't wanna be ridiculed by his teammates for falling in love with the newest addition he also wouldn't be able to handle rejection if you told him no , it would completely crush his pride.

🧡~ He started catching feelings for you when he saw that you greatly helped in boosting Pesci's confidence.

🖤~ Proscicutto loves getting praise, although you praising him as much more of an impact in boosting his already pretty gigantic ego ,he prefers you praising him over his own boss not that he'll ever tell anyone though, it's his shameful little secret.

❤️~ Ham man tends to put small amounts of perfume on when he knows you'll be around him,he doesn't want the smell of cigarette smoke that lingers in his suit's fabric to bother you.

🧡~ You somehow had managed to get him flustered a couple of times before, luckily for him, nobody was around during these times . The fact you didn't tell anyone either is admirable in Proscicutto's eyes, anyone would jump to the chance in ruining his stoic,calm and mature image especially Formaggio , Illuso or Melone.

🖤~ Each time he worked with you in missions, you always had managed to greatly impress him with the clever and creative usage of your stand .

❤️~ Proscicutto thinks you're a very good teammate and the fact you don't act overly cocky when you're winning in fights is a huge plus in his eyes,he seriously can't handle people who won't shut the fuck up about their success in battle or in anything else really.

🧡~ Ham man is very observant as soon that there's something slightly different with your looks or behavior, he'll notice right away, in fact he pays more attention to the small details when it comes to you than anyone else in the squad.

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