The closet (Mista x Reader lemon)

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(Oh my fucking God, I struggled so goddamn hard to write this one mainly because in this oneshot the Reader AKA you is getting oral and to make it gender neutral(that's right readers with dicks or pussies can both enjoy this lemon equally)is quite challenging 😳, I got the idea after reading seven mins in heaven scenarios lmfao anyway enjoy!)

Getting pushed inside a closet with his crush was just the last thing he had ever expected to happen to him, Mista wasn't complaining about it but still! He had no experience with anything that has to do with romance and he didn't exactly know what to do for seven minutes with Y/N alone with him inside this dark ass closet.Confess? Fuck? Kiss? There's no way Mista was brave enough to do any of those things at least not when it comes to doing those things with Y/N, the other gunslinger of the group.

It was very quiet for a few minutes, the faint sound of the two breathing and the obnoxiously loud ass music downstairs being only thing breaking the odd silence, it was really fucking,awkward. Mista was too much of a nervous wreck to say anything right now, the tetraphobe is usually a very confident man but...He loses all confidence when he's around his crush of two years , Y/N.

Mista felt like a total fucking failure right now, seven minutes in a heaven is usually a game where people get laid inside a closet not do nothing for seven mins!

Y/N was getting clearly impatient with the hatted man,they already knew Mista had a thing for them , that was pretty fucking obvious even the biggest of idiots of the gang like Narancia could figure that stupid shit out. Without even a word they pushed Mista's head down to their crotch , they liked Mista too and this opportunity was the perfect one to let him know and what better way to tell your crush that you like him by shoving his face into your crotch inside a dark and small closet?! It's the perfect plan! At least for Y/N's odd standards.

Mista was way too fucking slow to register what had happened for a good second until it finally hit him harder than a fucking frying pan, he was currently facing Y/N's crotch. He immediately blushed as he struggled to form words , his stupid monkey brain was screaming gibberish at the tetraphobe and it wasn't helping him right now! His brain started screaming even louder when he had realized that Y/N had decided to take their pants and underwear off.

Once Mista had finally managed to gather enough courage to speak, his voice had been muffled by Y/N agressively shoving their (dick/pussy) against the hatted man's face. Mista knew he had to do something, he was struggling to breathe at this point and his dick was making a fucking mess inside his pants. He wanted to use his tongue but he didn't want to dirty Y/N's precious (dick/pussy) with all that damn beer he had comsumed earlier, he highly doubts that beer saliva feels nice against a (dick/pussy). Eventually he just gave up on being sanitary and just decided to put the whole damn thing in his mouth like a fucking snake,as he made sure to lazily explore every part of Y/N's (dick/pussy) with his tongue,he had to stretch his jaw surprisingly wide to cover the entire surface of it(Orochimaru would be jealous). Mista was drooling everywhere as he sucked on Y/N's wet sex eagerly his hat slowly falling off his head because of Y/N's constant tugging on it.

Seven mins had already escalated but the gang(even Bruno,Fugo and Giorno damn) forgot about the two gunslingers getting it on in the closet already as they continued their loud partying downstairs(not Bruno's, Fugo's and Giorno's proudest moment in life lmao).

Y/N pulled on Mista's now exposed soft, curly brown hair as he continued to lick and suck at their (dick/pussy) as the stench of liquor lingured in the stuffy closet,Y/N was also moaning very loudly at his surprisingly good oral skills, which heavily turned Mista on,he was glad he was doing a good job pleasing his crush. Mista then suddenly loudly grunted in pleasure when his crush decided to aggressively thrust their wet (dick/pussy) in and out of his mouth while rubbing his dick with their foot at the same time.

Ten mins had now escalated inside the dark closet meanwhile the gang downstairs were still painfully very unnaware of what was happening upstairs between the two gunslingers.

Both the gunslingers could feel themselves reaching an orgasm, Y/N sped up their thrusting as Mista rubbed their legs up and down with his sweaty hands while obediantly still taking Y/N in his mouth until he felt a warm liquid fill his mouth at a rapid pace, it was at this moment that Mista came all over his pants dirtying Y/N's expensive shoe. Mista quickly swallowed as he stuttered out apolagies to the drunk Y/N who only simply kissed his forehead lovingly in response.

After Y/N pulled their pants and underwear back up,they helped Mista change his dirty pants after getting out of the small closet that had somehow managed to fit two fully grown adults inside. After the duo finally got dressed back up they decided to swear to silence on to what happened inside that dark closet. Pretty sure Bruno would have both of their zipped off heads if he ever learned of the dirty deeds that had happened upstairs, he isn't a fan of his "children" commiting sexual acts especially if it's between themselves since it's very unprofessional but however when he gets drunk he just does whatever his teammates suggests which is why the two gunslingers ended up in the small closet in the first place, because Narancia had boldly suggested the drunken mafiosos to play seven mins in heaven.

When the two finally decided to go back downstairs, they found that all their teammates were either too drunk to notice them or passed out .

''Man they finna have a really fucking bad hangover.''

Shortly after Y/N said that they ironically passed the fuck out into a drunken coma followed by Mista very shortly after.

The next morning ,not so surprisingly,everyone ended up regretting their very questionnable life choices and luckily for Y/N and Mista, nobody had remembered what the fuck had happened last night, THANK GOD.

(Damn I'm so fucking proud of myself I managed to make it work! Also damn this is my longest lemon and oneshot so far in the book LMFAO.)

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