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The Indus Valley Civilisation, also known as the Harappan Civilisation or Sindhu Ghati Sabhyata is the most ancient and advanced Civilisation of the world.

The Indus Valley Civilisation, also known as the Harappan Civilisation or Sindhu Ghati Sabhyata is the most ancient and advanced Civilisation of the world

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Its contemporary Civilisations were Mesopotamian Civilisation (Iraq) and Egyptian Civilisation.

This Civilisation was established around the banks of River Indus and its Tributaries. It was the most advanced Civilisation of its time, the town planning was same throughout the Civilisation, it was very rich and prosperous.

I mean there was proper drainage system and 11 molar teeth were found in Mehrgarh (Pakistan) suggesting dentistry was practiced. Sea trade took place with Mesopotamia and Egypt.

A lot of mystery surrounds this civilization, not much is known about it. Maybe because the Harappan script is till date not deciphered.

Or maybe because it is not mentioned in any scriptures or texts

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Or maybe because it is not mentioned in any scriptures or texts.

Wait what ?! How can such a huge and important Civilisation is not mentioned in any texts !?

This is true. After the Civilisation was collapsed, the reason is still unknown, later Aryan invasion happened and a new Civilisation was established around the banks of Ganga and its Tributaries, this was beginning of Vedic Era.

It was the Vedic Era, from when History was first started to be written. Thus there is no mention of the Indus Valley Civilisation in any texts. And thus it was believed that the History of India began from Aryan Invasion and the Ganga Valley Civilisation.

Alexander Cunningham the Director-General of ASI (Archeological Survey of India), was the first one who discovered this Civilisation in 1856. A lot of artifacts were found at that time but Cunningham wasn't able to place them in the time frame he was familiar with.

Cunningham too like many believed that the history of India began from Ganga Valley Civilisation, so he missed the importance of the artifacts.

It was John Marshall (Director-General of ASI from 1902-28), who came and announced that there was a Civilisation before Ganga Valley Civilisation, and was 3000 years older, he named it Indus Valley Civilisation.

The first sight to be excavated was Harappa in 1921 by Dayaram Sahani, and then Mohenjo-daro was excavated in 1922 by R.D Banerjee.

In the Mesopotamian texts, Indus Valley Civilisation is often referred as Meluha.

The only information we can get is from Seals and artifacts found. One thing we know  is that Sanatan Dharm was followed. How ? It's a very interesting topic that deserves its own chapter.


Coming up next is Religious Practice of Indus Valley Civilisation.

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