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25)According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna using illusion on Karna for Vasavi Javelin is an interpolation

26) According to BORI CE, Bhima using impenetrable armour in war against Karna on 14th day is an interpolation.

27) According to BORI CE, Karna defeating Gandharvas in his life is an interpolation.

( According to BORI CE, there was only one encounter happened between Karna and Gandharvas in which Gandharvas badly thrashed Karna )

28) According to BORI CE, Karna cutting off the celestial wheel of Ghatotkacha as per Sanjaya's narration is an interpolation

29) According to BORI CE, Arjuna saying that he had taken a vow that he will not use his bow against Brahmana is an interpolation.

30) According to BORI CE, Karna telling Duryodhana on 14th night that Arjuna used impenetrable armour in war is an interpolation.

( According to BORI CE, as well as KMG Arjuna never used any celestial armour in any war )

31) According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna telling Arjuna that Karna can kill gods is an interpolation.

32) According to BORI CE, Karna saying that he will help women and children is an interpolation.

33) According to BORI CE, Bhima calling Drona wretched is an interpolation.

34) According to BORI CE, Karna cutting the impenetrable armour of Bhima is interpolation.

35) According to BORI CE, Duryodhana telling Shalya that Karna had dragged Bhima is an interpolation.

36) According to BORI CE, Duryodhana saying that Arjuna avoided battle due to fear of Karna is an interpolation.

37) According to BORI CE, Duryodhana telling Shalya that Karna had defeated Satyaki in previous battle is an interpolation.

38) According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna throwing those Samsaptakas who had seized Arjuna is an interpolation.

( BORI says that Arjuna himself threw those Samsaptakas who had seized him )

39) According to BORI CE, Karna had one version of Pashupatastra but it's not written anywhere that it's the same Pashupatastra which Arjuna acquired in Vana Parva.

40) According to BORI CE, the entire section 61 of Karna Parva of KMG Mahabharat is an interpolation, where some pandava warriors like Yudhisthira, Nakula and Dhristadyumn had attacked Karna in group.

41) According to BORI CE, the entire section 62 of Karna Parva of KMG Mahabharat is an interpolation, where Karna defeated Yudhistira second time and spared his life

42) According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna saying that he considers Karna "as equal or perhaps superior to Arjuna" is an interpolation.

He instead says - I know Karn exactly, in battle he is not 16th part of Parth.

43) According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna saying that Karna is foremost of all heroes is an interpolation.

44) According to BORI CE, Bhima telling Arjuna to kill Vrishasena because he is resisting him on 17th days is an interpolation.

45) Yudhishthira says after the death of Karna that we didn't sleep 13 years due to exile and we will happily sleep today in section 96 of Karna parva of KMG Mahabharat is an interpolation as per BORI CE

46) According to BORI CE, Shri Krishna saying that Karna is equal to Lord Shiva and Lord Indra is an interpolation.

47) According to BORI CE, Lord Brahma saying that the success of Karna and Arjuna should be equal is an interpolation.

( According to BORI CE, Lord Brahma wanted only Arjuna to win the battle )

48) According to BORI CE, Krishna telling Arjuna that Karna's body is 8 ratni is an interpolation.

49) According to BORI CE, Karna having any Nagastra is an interpolation, Mahabharata CE says that Karna achieved that feats through the strength of Ashwsena only as weapon depends on weilder, not living serpent.

50) According to BORI CE , Karna cutting Gandiva's string eleven times is an interpolation, BORI says that Karna cut Gandiva's string only one times

51) According to BORI CE, Karna being unaware of Ashwasen's entry in his weapon is an interpolation, BORI says that Karna took the help from Ashwsena.

52) According to BORI CE, Karna refusing to take help of Ashwasena second time is an interpolation.

53) According to BORI CE, Karna lifting whole earth is an interpolation.

54) According to BORI CE, Karna making Arjuna unconscious during final battle is interpolation, BORI says that Karna had no capacity to achieve this feat because he was far inferior than Arjuna and other warriors.

55) According to BORI CE, Arjuna using high brahmastra against Kaurava warrior during final battle is an interpolation.

56) According to BORI CE, Sanjaya narrating Panchala and Somakas warrior had attacked karna during final battle is an interpolation.

57) According to BORI CE , Bhima telling Arjuna that Karna's feat is amazing is an interpolation.

(According to BORI, Bhima knew very well that karna is an insect infront of Arjuna)

58) According to BORI CE, Sanjaya saying that Karna pacified Arjuna's Agneyastra, Aindrastra, etc are interpolations

59) According to BORI CE, Arjuna using Nalika arrow against Karna in final battle is an interpolation.

60) According to BORI CE, Karna killing supporters of Arjuna using Bhargava Astra is an interpolation

( BORI says that Karna failed to kill a single of Arjuna during final battle )



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