Don't give the Fox a dirt bike

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" oh no she is not doing that" Rex growled as Kix tried to hold him back "CT-5566, Nara you get your sorry hide down here now"!

Nara cringed from atop of the hill making Fives frown. He turned off the engine of his bike and put it into park beside her.

" what? What is it"!

" My captain's senses are tingling," she said.

Not a mintute later her com went off.

" I guess your tuition was right" Fives mused, earning a death glare from Nara who was less than amused by his humour.

She brought the com up to her lips and took a deep breath

" Hello this is commander Nara's voicemail she is currently not in the mood to die today for whatever she has done to annoy, please check in another time and book your appointment for any day that doesn't end in "Y",thank you"

Fives tried concealing his laughter behind his gloved hand.

Rexs irritated tone came from the other line" Nara this is your captain speaking and-"

" you may leave a message after the beep"

" Nara I-"

" beeeeeeeeeeeep"

"swear if you!"

". Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep"

" your gonna-"


" get down"



"BEEEEEEEEEEEEP, sorry your call has disconnected please try again later" she hastily pressed the off button and revved her engines. Fives quickly followed suit.

" so how much you wanna bet your in for a court-martialled after this' ' Fives grinned.

" I say 100 credits and an all paid expense at seventy nines because I'm gonna need a drink after this" Nara sighed. She hit her gas pedal and speeded down the hill.

" Hey wait for me"! Fives yelled hitting his gas pedal.

Nara laughed devilishly as the wind ripped past her filling her lungs with the smell of dirt and fresh grass. Before she hit the ramp she turned to see Kix and Rex standing side by side, poor Kix was struggling to hold back mama Rex.

She gave a cheeky salute before yelling a witty remark.

" This one for you mom"!

She hit the gas and leaned forward preparing for the jump. Three...!

As the bike soared through the air she pulled back making the bike follow her momentum. Nara laughed with glee as the world turned upside down as she executed a backflip midair before coming to a landing on the other side.

Rex had gone pail and Kix honestly thought he might have fainted if he wasn't holding him.

Up next was Fives he reached his handlebars as he shot across the jumping point. He jumped onto his feet and let go of the handles as he stood upright on the seat of his bike.

" yay"! He cried out triumphantly as he jumped back onto his seat before he came back down leaving a dusty trail behind him on the track.

Rex had seen enough and so had another trooper who had been practicing on the same track all afternoon.

" That was awesome"! Nara exclaimed.

" I just wonder what Rex is thinking," Fives smirked.

" He's thinking you two di'kuits are lucky he has self restraint" Rex growled.

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