The flirt wars

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Warning: terrible pick up lines I apologies in advance.😁

"Did you sit in sugar because you have a pretty sweet ass"!

Harvey stopped midway through the hangar, "I hope I didn't just hear that". His gaze went over to a group of familiar troopers standing in a circle all staring each other down. Among them was Rex, Fang, spades, Dock, Kix, Jex, Presphone, Nix, Hu, Gus, Jesse, Fives, Echo, hardcase, Clancey, kyber dollar and Nara. So like a huge group of troopers just staring each other down like a pack of hungry wolves waiting for the kill. Harvey made his way over towards his commander and elbowed him slightly in the shoulder making Fang wince.

"Mind telling me what happing here ?"

" a flirt off, sir"

Harvey frowned "a what?"

"A flirt off sir, basically everyone has to come up with a pick up line and try to get the others to crack or become completely flustered. The last one standing gets out of chores for a week"

"I see, so who's winning"? he mused taking a great interest in their little game.

"Honestly sir it's a pretty fair game"

" you must be the square root of negative one because you cannot be real" Echo yelled across the hangar to Jesse.


"Shut up Fives"!

"As you can see everyone's putting their best foot forward sir" Fang sighed.

Harvey chuckled "I noticed, mind if I sit and watch"

"Be my guest General" Fang smirked " I just want you know however, that this wasn't my idea to begin with" he mumbled.

Harvey raised his brow, from across the circle he could see Hu starting to get an idea. The trooper had his sights locked on Gus who seemed to fidget with his hands nervously.

"Hey Gus is your name highway because I want to ride you all night long"

Gus light up like the annual celebration on naboo, an audible squeak leaving his flustered lips.

"Ha ha that one down seventeen to go" Hu boasted.

"Hu You disgust me" Fang groaned.

"Ah so you've discussed me, I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me" Hu wiggled his brows.

Oh he was good, somebody needed to take him down if their was any chance at surviving this game. Fives seemed to be the man for the job as he locked eyes with the smug Hu.

"Hu I hope you can help me with something"

"What can I do for you Fives"

"I was wondering do your lips taste as good as they look"

He blinked a couple of times before turning a light shade of red seeing the glare on Gus's face toward Fives. "Touché ".

"Alright Hu's out who's next"

Harvey expected someone like Fives or Jesse to step up even Jex, but he was surprised to hear Presphone's voice.

"Hey kix I know your busy but can you added me to your to do list"

Kix gulped but he wasn't giving in easily"Presphone do you have an inhaler cause you just took my breath away"

Presphone wasn't going to let Kix win that easily, plus she found the pickup line to be very cheesy .

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