Copy clone

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Authors comment: this was a request someone gave me a while back and I really enjoyed writing this one shot. A little background is Nara has been assigned to train a group of young cadets for a week and the first day goes as well as you would expect. Enjoy  ☺️ 


" No way is that commander Nara"? Cooper asked


" I thought she'd be taller" tinker said

" she's still better looking than you though" flicker grinned, earning a punch.

" don't let her hear you say that she'd kick your Shebs" knipper scolded. Earning an eye roll from clipper.

Nara's eyes narrowed as she faced her smug older brother in blue who herded the young clones towards her . "Rex"?

" Well hello Nara, fancy seeing you here today" Rex grinned.

Nara frowned,"I live here," she deppaned, eyeing the cadets . " what's with the gremlins"

This gained the attention of the young clones as their attention snapped towards her making her flinch slightly.

" Commander"! They all saluted, making Rex grin and Nara raise a brow.

" Nara meet Cooper,flicker, Jip, Knipper, Clipper, and Tinker" Rex said, pointing to the young cadets.

" you didn't," she said.

Rex smirked " oh I did"

Naras nose scrunched " Rex I-l"

" gentlemen I am proud to introduce you to commander Nara, though it seems you already know of her" he chuckled.

The boys nodded eagerly, making Nara weary.

" good because for the rest of the week she's your problem"

Nara's jaw dropped, making the cadets laugh.

"Nara, meet your new squad" Rex mused.


" Fang status report" Harvey's voice cut through the room.

"Of course sir you see-" Fang's voice was abruptly cut off as the command room doors snapped open.

Harvey could barely believe the scene in front of him as he watched Nara lead a group of young clones into the command room like a mother duck herding her

ducklings in a straight line. The young cadets could be seen adjusting their paces and hand movements to mirror hers , so that they were in perfect sync. He felt amused as he watched her slightly peer over her shoulder to make sure that all the cadets were there before she stopped in her tracks.

" General, you called me for a status report" Nara said, giving a nod of her head. On cue the young cadets all nodded and gave a curt "general" before falling back into formation. Harvey grinned seeing the exasperated look nara wore on her face.

" commander, if I had known you were bringing the whole battalion with you I would have been better prepared for your arrival." He mused.

Nara rolled her eyes making Fang stifle a laugh behind a gloves hand.

Nara rolled her eyes, " You don't have to dress up for me, General," she said . " Besides, I'm on cadet duty today thanks to a certain captain" she sighed.

Harvey smiled at the young cadets who all grined. " I can see that".

" the commander's right, sir, no need to dress up for us" jip said with a cheeky smile. " Besides, you're already looking quite handsome already in my opinion, General ," he winked.

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