Chapter 72

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Rebecca opened her eyes. Even that had become a task, as her body was beginning to solidify from lack of flesh and blood. She was dismayed to see that she was still a prisoner in a storage unit. She held onto the hope of waking up in Braxton's arms, and that this would have all been an inconceivable nightmare. She attempted to free herself from her bindings, but she didn't have her usual strength. And being deprived of flesh and blood made her weaker.

David's other prisoner was staring at her.

"You missed feeding time," she whispered.

Rebecca squinted. Droplets of blood stained the undead girl's chin and clothes. She wondered how long she'd been out.

Rebecca weakly smiled at her.

"So, what's your story?" she croaked. "How did you end up here?"

The girl's face became distorted with distress.

"I don't know," she sobbed. "I don't know what's going on. Some guy bit me and ever since I've just been really . . . thirsty. For blood. David found me on the outskirts of town as I was looking for help not far from where I worked. He told me he could help. Then he attacked me with some burning liquid. Next thing I know, I'm here." She grunted as she tried to free herself. Then gave up with a scream. "I've been here for days without so much as a drop of food or water. I think I'm dying. I can't even feel anything anymore -- not even my heartbeat. I want to cry . . . but I can't."

Rebecca gasped.

"My word . . . you don't even know."

The girl tilted her head.

"Excuse me? Know what?"

Rebecca sighed.

"You're already dead."

* * *

"Oh. My. God." The most annoying voice in the world seemed to echo in the wind. "Lainey Sullivan actually made it!"

The crowd of Sancova High students gathered at the rec center's entrance turned to face Lainey.

She waved.

"Hey, Vera."

Of course Vera Barnes had to be the best-looking and best dressed at her own birthday party. She was adorned in a peach ball gown and her neck was laced in pearls. She wore her hair in a French twist and her makeup could have been done by the best Oregon.

"If I remember correctly, you turned down the invitation to my party," Vera said, looking confused. "Yet, you're holding a pink envelope."

"I'm sorry," Lainey said, holding up the envelope. "Found this one in the trash at school and came here on a whim."

Some laughter came from the crowd.

Vera frowned.

"Their loss," she dismissively said. "But I'm flattered that you went through trash just to be here for me. Oh, Lainey. I'd hug you . . . but I like being clean."

The crowd of Sancova High students and Vera's usual three groupies erupted in laughter.

Lainey could feel her skin prickling. Whether it was from rage or embarrassment, she wasn't sure.

Vera looked at the group behind Lainey and scrunched her face.

"I don't remember inviting any of these people."

Fawn stepped forward.

"We all have invitations," she said, holding up her pink envelope. "We had to have gotten them from you. Not like they magically appeared out of thin air."

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