not a chapter || qna responses!

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hello everyone! this is my thankyou for 1k followers! its honestly so crazy! like, im so happy everyone loves my books. it really means so much to me. and you are all so nice and kind. ugh! i wish i could hug you all~

but sadly, i cant. so, i offer a fun qna to get to know me more <33

1. how long have you been writing?

well, on wattpad for under a year. i started wattpad books in july last year, and it is only april. 

but actually, something probably none of you know. is that i actually started writing fan fics on youtube. they were all kinda cringey, but they werent absolutely terrible. i wrote on there for a few months i think, then moved to wattpad.

fun fact, actually really embarrassing fact. they are all still up. because they are on a different email and i forgot my password. but you'll never find them

after that. i had a book here on wattpad. called "because of you". it was a generic boarding school book. with grumpy bad boy kook, and soft taehyung. i later deleted it after starting lipgloss and hairpins because i didnt want to write it anymore.

i dont like writing totally generic story line books, if you couldnt tell. i like trying new things :)

2. new friends? 

im assuming this means after starting wattpad.

so yes! i have made a few friends on here. and of course, all of yall who read my books! you are all my fwenss~. 

sometimes i'll chat with some people for a few days or so, then we just stop talking lol. im kinda awkward talking to people online. like im scared to say anything first. so things never go anywhere.

but everyone who reads my books, yall are the real ones. especially the ones who comment on every chapter. and like- have read every single one of my books. yall really be out here. love that.

3. where do you find inspiration for a story?

my brain.

sometimes i'll just be day dreaming, and then boom! i get an idea. so i write it down and keep it for later in the future lol

4. How do you keep yourself motivated to finish a story till the end?

honestly, im not sure lol. but i always start a book with a plot that i really like. and if i really like something i will finish it.

and im kind of a perfectionist. so if i dont finish something i will get really mad at myself. probably why i update everyday.

5. do you have any pets?

sadly, no.

i used to have a dog about a year ago. but we had to get rid of her when we moved. my family moves alot. like-  A LOT. 

but in total in my life so far. i have had 4 dogs, 5 gold fish, a few cats, and chickens.

but obviously, they were all divided between my mom and dads house lol.

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