Chapter 89

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————————-Silas's POV-————————

I rapidly turn around at the sound of an aggravated man's voice seemingly directed at Mika. I can't actually see them since they're a good distance away from me but I can practically feel the fear radiating from her. Without thinking much, I march down the street to her side and give the douche my best glare.

"Are you seriously accusing her of sleeping around? Dude, I can smell all the females you just fucked all over you... and I'm sure that 80% of the people around can as well."

Mika looks at me wide eyed and shakes her head at me, telling me to stop. The amount of fear in her eyes is heartbreaking.

Instead of actually backing down like she wants I continue my verbal onslaught, "Don't try to claim that she slept with me, because you sure as hell would have been able to smell it on us. Also, you might want to wipe that look off your face... My mother told me that if you make expressions like that your face might just get stuck in one. Oh, wait... You aren't making a face... Guess I was too late to warn you. But hey! At least all your actual whores don't seem to mind!"

Without another word I firm, but gently, grab Mika's hand and pull her along with me in the direction she was headed. The physical contact immediately calms my wolf and I can feel Mika become less scared but more tense.

She whispers, "Why did you do that? You don't even know who he is... He's my husband! Do you know how much shit he's going to put me through now?!"

I turn slightly to look at her, "What do you mean... Why are you married to that asshole? He's not your mate..? And what do you mean by him doing shit to you..?"

As quickly as it faded, Mika's fear and shaking returns, "It's not like I chose to marry him! I'm sure you can predict what I meant by him putting me through shit... Also, What the fuck is a mate?! And why do you care..?"

"Marriage is consent based... Nobody can force you to marry someone... And are you trying to say he hurts you?" I disregard her questions, deciding to figure out what relationship she actually has with him.

In a whisper she responds, "Actually... it can be forced... if the guardian(s) of a person involved give consent for them. Especially if that person is underage..."

I stop walking and fully face her, my wolf rising back to the surface, "You were forced to marry him?!"

Mika nods and looks away from me, still without actually answering my question on if he abuses her. I find it more and more difficult to contain my wolf. I'm not sure if I'll be able to resist either breaking every fucking bone in the asshole's body or to place my claim on her since I doubt she'd stop me.

Still whispering she replies, "Yeah... It's been a dreadful couple of years... but it's not like there's anything I can do about it. If I tried to divorce him, my whole clan and remaining family would shun me... I'd be kicked onto the streets and never be able to improve the lives of everyone in my clan."

"Your family would shun you for simply not wanting to be married to a person who isn't your mate..? Do they not care about mates being a gift from the gods and goddesses?"

"Mates..? What are they? I've heard Reiya mention them before but she's never explained them to me..."

Realization hits me like a pile of bricks, she was raised in a very strict and cold way. She never would have learned about any supernaturals, let alone mates...

How am I supposed to go about this..? I can't exactly just drop it on her... that'd be a really big shock for her... But how am I supposed to not tell her..? If I don't explain them to her then how would she accept our bond..?


Would she even want to?


What should I say? I know that technically I'm the person who should tell her because of the fact that Mika is my mate... but... what if she hates the idea of being with me? I don't want to force her into it... I'm nothing like Jake or her controlling as all hell Clan... I only want her happy...

I guess that before explaining much I should talk with Reiya... and my Beta... and Ivy... and Sasha... and I guess Oak too...



"Let's go to you sisters place quickly, okay? Then I promise to get you home safe." Then I add mumbling, "Even though it doesn't seem like going home would be safe for you..."

Mika nods hesitantly as she glances back towards her husband. Yuck. I don't like that thought... Hell, I don't like him in general...

(Arriving At The Coven)

"Uh... L-Lord..? Oak..? I need to speak with Reiya... It's kinda important..." Hope he doesn't get upset at my unannounced appearance...

The doors swing open and there stands a disheveled and confused looking Oak. He uses his chin to point at Mika, questioning who she is and why I've brought her here.

"Oak meet Mika, Mika meet Oak... Could you please get Reiya? Before you say no because 'Mika's a stranger' and all that bs, Mika is Reiya's sister."

Oak nods and rushes off to get Reiya. I lead Mika inside and guide her to sit on a couch beside me.
I may or may not have chosen the smallest couch in the room to make it so Mika is practically sitting on me...

"Silas?! What are you and Mika doing here?? And why are you sitting so close together..?" Reiya looks at me genuinely confused.

*Ahem* "Well uh... I need some advice..." I then whisper in Reiya's ear, "Mika's my mate and I don't know how I should go about telling her that..."

I rub my neck as she looks between me and Mika surprised, "... Really now? Well... Come along you two..."

We scurry after Reiya, both of us a bit nervous but definitely for different reasons...

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