Chapter 7

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I once again let my thoughts wander into the dark place my mental state used to exist in and think about how Jake has been even more distant. Like he's still extremely over-protective but now he won't even talk to me unless we're around his, no, our pack to be. It's really starting to worry me... I've tried talking to him and opened up to him so he feels the trust I have in him but it hasn't seemed to work. I really hope I can get this figured out soon, he, I mean we will be taking the pack over in about a week...

*Two Days Later*

I walk into his office like normal and ask if I could help with anything. Instead of just grunting a "no" at me he GROWLS! Then when I ask if something was wrong, he rushes at me and pushes me into the wall! My heart is racing and I know there is fear in my eyes too. Jake just laughs at my fear then says "Good, you should be scared of me" what type of mate says that?! When he finally lets go of me I rush away using my extra speed and shut myself in our bathroom.

*One Hour Later*

I have been shaking and crying for the past hour and Jake hasn't come to apologize or anything... I hate to think like this but I don't really see a future with Jake anymore. I can tell that my life will only become worse if I stay... The thing is, I don't seem to care about how much rejecting him will hurt me. It can't hurt more than how he has hurt me emotionally this past week and I think it will be for the best. Now, I just need to figure out when to do it... I only have 5 more days before I'm stuck being his official Luna.

Ugh! Why is my luck so bad?! Just when I finally thought I would get a "happily ever after" my mate had to become a jerk...


Hope you like this chapter! I know it's WAY shorter than before but, I have to get back into this slowly as I am starting my first job and school will be hectic this year lol.

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