You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [30]

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Okay so I decided every time I get to the 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's etc. I'll write a special chapter :)! So please enjoy and rate and comment please :)


.:Worrying and Fights:.

Ailey's Pov

Minkle: So has she said anything about me?

AileyBear: No.

Minkle: Who she been talking back lately????

AileyBear: Well it was James but I haven't talked to her in a while....

Minkle: You should! Now!

AileyBear: But!

-Minkle has signed off-

I sighed and pushed my wheelie chair away from my laptop. "Stressing." I clutched my throbbing brain with finger-whitening intensity.

I jumped up and headed towards the bathroom. Before I could touch the door, I thought twice and decided to go back to my room. I HAD been talking to Mickey all day on Facebook in a random room that so happened to be unlocked.

I took cautious steps over to the elevator before just going up the steps two at a time. "My family did always say I was a wild child." I muttered as I made my way to my door. I could barely not breath..

Hehe, that didn't make sense. I giggled my way through the door and over to Julie's sleeping lump in her bed.

Or at least I thought she was sleeping. Julie threw the covers off of her and stared at me, wide eyed.

I gasped and turned away.

Julie had red all over her nose, eyes, and lips. Red vines peeked away inside her eyeballs. Her usually bright blue eyes were now dull. Like a light bulb just minutes away from blowing out.

"Dude." I gasped at her and turned to face her again. Her face was tangled and staticky on her head. I felt like taking a picture and sending it all over Facebook but it was obvious that her friend was not in the mood for jokes.

"Hey yourself." She mumbled. I could barely hear her but nevertheless, sat down by her.

"You look so...," I tried thinking of the right words but ended up saying, "Not yourself."

She chuckled unhumorously. Almost bitter. A tone matched it, "I don't feel like myself."

"Well," I could feel my brain wander off, "What's up with you?"


I didn't even hear what she said. "Huh?"

"Life." She repeated, more urgent now.

"Repeat please." I tried to hide my smile but opted to just look out the window.


"Again please?"




And before I could say 'what?' or 'huh' again, she dramatically punched the wall behind her. Right on cue, she started explaining.

"Okay so you know, Malorie. She's trying to ruin my life! First she took Mick, then my mom, and now James!" Tears started to form already on her already bloated eyelids. "Malorie lied to James and said I was sleeping around with guys which I wasn't but, James believes her and now everyone thinks I'm a dirty whore!" She fell back on her bed and wrapped the covers around her.

You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him DadWhere stories live. Discover now