22: Death's Omen

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

Lexington is currently racing Lexi as she's teaching him to get used to running at high speeds but Lexington can't stop himself and runs into the lake face first, Lexi laughs finding this hilarious as a lake being Lex's worst adversary is becoming a running joke.

Lexington: "burning hell!" He says annoyed and gets out of the lake but sees Lexi trying to push him back in the lake. "Don't you fuckin dare." He says whilst pointing at his little sister.

Lexi: "okay fine I won't push you, good thing I brought some extra clothes." She says tossing a shirt at him which he catches.

Lexington: "how do you run that fast and not get sick?" He asks changing into fresh clothes as Lexi isn't looking for obvious reasons.

Lexi: "it's disorienting at first but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn't be a problem, just plan where you wish go and what you have to do in the quick motion." She says as Lexington nods when their father arrives.

Simon: "how's your brother doing?" He directs to Lexi who casually puts her arm on Lexington's shoulder.

Lexi: "he's improving greatly that it's almost scary, speed could use some work but he'll get it eventually." She says while Simon nods in approval pleased with Lex's progress.

Simon: "good, Lex it's time you designed your weapon, come along." As Lexington eagerly follows him which Simon picks up on. "You're awfully excited." He points out as he's never seen Lex more excited.

Lexington: "sorry, I always wanted to have a custom sword but never had enough Phoenix feather coins to have one made." He elaborates as Simon places a hand on his shoulder as they walk together.

Simon: "just so you know, your weapon must also benefit from the magics you'll be mastering so Volmir will engrave enchantments of lightning, water and wind." He explains making Lexington understands that it can't be a random design that looks cool.

Lexington: "I understand, I already have a name for it though." As Simon looks curiously wondering what the name is. "Tempest." He says as Simon smiles softly.

Simon: "good name, it makes sense." He says as Lex says he still hasn't shown him his weapon. "In time Lex, you'll see it soon enough." He says as they head into the cave where Volmir works as they see Sigurd talking with Volmir and Elyria.

Sigurd: "I expect you to stay true to the design dwarf." He growls whilst handing him his duel axes as Volmir examines the axes closely.

Volmir: "ugh... These wolf engravings are nicely designed but pointless but if you insist... I'll call you once I'm done." He says as Sigurd nods and leaves but not before playfully hitting Lex on the back. "Simon don't tell me that weapon of yours needs fixing." He says not thrilled if that's the case as Elyria smiles finding this amusing.

Simon: "no, Lex here is ready to submit his weapon design." He says giving Lex a slight push.

Volmir: "please be simple for the love of Aiglia." He says as Lexington scratches the back of his head.

Lexington: "uh my weapon is a 45 inch bastard sword with lightning, water, and wind and enchantments." He says as Volmir sighs with relief.

Volmir: "thank gods, Elyria you can handle that right?" He directs to Elyria as she nods.

Elyria: "I'd be happy to." She says as Lexington helps her get the measurements.

Lexington: "didn't realize you were also a blacksmith." He says looking at the black steel with various colors shining.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now