27: Crowe

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1078 AP (after phoenix)

Lexington is training with Lexi as their weapons clash multiple times and stare each other in the eyes.

Lexi: "you weren't kidding about your skills with a blade." She says attempting to use the hook part of her hook swords to hook his sword and take it away but Lexington uses his arm to traps hers.

Lexington: "I never lie dear sister." He says as they back away taking a moment to think. "And you're not bad with those weapons, definitely not easy to use I imagine." He says as Lexi hooks her weapons together.

Lexi: "I make it work." She says twirling the hooked blades at Lexington who dives away getting some distance but Lexi places her hook swords against his neck. "I win." She says proudly as the hook part of the blade touches a vein on Lexington's neck.

Lexington: "remind me not to piss you off, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of those." He says as they put their weapons away.

Lexi: "no you do not, it's not pretty though I can make it pretty." She says as they walk together following the path back. "So... You and Elyria?" She asks as Lexington questions how she knows. "Kinda hard to not notice the only female elf standing outside your room waiting to be let in." She says smirking as Lexington scratches the back of his head. "Don't worry I won't breath a word of it to mom or dad... For now." She says giving Lexington a smirk.

Lexington: "oh thank you, that assures me." He says acting sarcastic as they arrive at the beach seeing a small ship dock. "We expecting visitors?" He asks while Lexi looks closely and sighs.

Lexi: "Lex be ready to officially meet Crowe." She says approaching the dock and sees Crowe step down the stairs.

Crowe: "ah Lexi, pleasant seeing you welcome me." He says with clear sarcasm.

Lexi: "in your dreams drunk, you reek of alcohol not that it's a surprise." She says as Crowe scoffs lightly while wiping his forehead and looks at Lexington.

Crowe: "who the hell is that?" He asks as Lexi responds it's her brother Lexington. "Brother? Hahaha! And you criticize me for being drunk?" He asks which gets under Lexi's nerves.

Lexi: "I'm not a liar, unlike you." She says as Crowe furrows his brows annoyed by that comment. "Go on, say another one of your excuses." She says as Crowe stays calm.

Crowe: "Lexi dear calm-" as Lexi smacks him across the face leaving a pretty noticable handprint.

Lexi: "don't you dare! You lost the right to call me that." She says pulling out her weapons as Lexington backs up not sure what's about to happen as Crowe growls lowly and pulls out Death's Omen.

Crowe: "alrighty then Lexi, get it out of your system." He says as the two standoff ready to fight as Lexi makes the first attack using her lightning speed to get up in Crowe's face who blocks her attack just in time and swings her away. Crowe sends a couple swings her way whilst she blocks each swing and purposely grazes her hook blade against Crowe's nose who smirks somewhat sending vicious swings. Lexi uses her superior mobility to essentially run circles around him making a sand cloud.

Crowe lifts Death's Omen high above his head with his violet eyes glowing and slams Death's Omen with ferocity clearing the sand cloud around him and causing Lexi to be sent back by the absurd wind pressure he caused.

Lexington: "what the hell?" He asks wondering the hell just happened as Lexi growls slightly.

Lexi: "Crowe has absurd strength that would give Cedric a cold sweat." She explains as Crowe places Death's Omen on his shoulder.

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