Chapter 1: Screams

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**Jade's POV**
It was a cold winter day here in North Carolina, and I was in work. I work in a small diner, which only some people come in once in a while, usually on the weekends. I work 5pm-10pm on school days, and 2pm-11pm.. It sucks, but I get money so I'm not complaining that much. I was just cleaning up when I felt eyes on me. I shifted around to see nothing. I turned back around and continued cleaning, when I felt two hands on my shoulders. "Boo!" said a familiar voice which made me gasp. I turned around to see my boss. "You scared me!" I said and turned back around and continued cleaning.

"Sorry Jade.. I'm heading out, just don't forget to lock up when you're done," He said heading towards the door.

"I won't!" I called finishing cleaning the last table. He left and I was officially alone in this dinky old diner. I finished cleaning the last table and I went over to every door making sure it was locked. After I was done I checked out and made my way over to the front door, turning off the lights and leaving the little light that is always left on as I leave. I turned off the "open" sign and opened the door which made the "DING" sound as the bells collapsed together from my movement. I locked the door and put my hands in my pockets and took out my phone checking the time.. 11:37PM. I didn't have enough money to have a car, and I lived just a few blocks away, so I didn't mind the walk. Plus, it was good exercise! I wouldn't prefer myself skin to the bone, nor fat.. I have some meat, but curves but I'm not fat. I've been told I look like Alli Simpson if that makes since. I lived alone because my parents couldn't afford me anymore, so they kicked me out when I turned age 15. I haven't seen nor talked to my parents since. I'm turning 17 in a couple of days, actually! Yay for me!

I was walking home on this cold winter night, holding my coat around my body tightly and keeping my hands in my pockets. I was officially the only one on the streets at this time of night, which is very usual due to this time and this location. All the streetlights were on guiding me along the sidewalk. The only sound heard was the sound of my footsteps until I heard more than just mine. I stopped in my tracks and looked around to find someone or nothing. I shrugged the thought of someone there off and continued walking. I continued walking until I jumped in fright of what I heard. I heard this unbarring scream that sounded so scared, and so frightened. I looked around and kept up my pace and there was nothing but silence after it! What is going on?! I thought maybe it I was just paranoid so I kept walking until I heard another scream out, and it sounded like an inhumane growl. I quickened my pace and ran in the opposite direction from my house. I followed the scream into a nearby park. I followed it and then the scream stopped. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around. I saw nothing, and heard nothing. Was this just a joke? Was this just my imagination? I looked around the park some more until I saw 3? 4? 5? Five! I saw 5 figures hunched over, but I couldn't really make out what they were doing due to the low light only the streetlight aloud. They all shifted to the side and I saw what they were doing.. It was inhumane, it was terrifying, it was.. Impossible! There lay a girl full of blood oozing out of her little body in the middle of their huddle. I gasped not being able to control myself, and started to back up, and I hid behind a tree. I knew they'd hear me if I ran, and my luck even if I slowly walked.

I hid behind a tree and pulled out my phone and dialled 9- 11. I put my shaking hand holding the phone up to my ear. It rang 4 times and then finally someone picked up.

"Hello 9- 11 what is your emergency?" the lady asked.

"A- a kil-killing! I just witnessed a killing!" I whisper yelled into my phone.

"You what? Ma'am I cannot understand you , can you please speak up?" she asked.

Are you kidding me?!

"There's a killing!" I said a little louder hoping 'they' didn't hear me whoever- whatever they are.

"Okay ma'am stay calm... Where was this occurred?" she asked and I looked around.

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