Chapter 13

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**Jade's POV**

Did he just totally forget that I'm still unable to move? All I could do was move my neck! What good does that do for me?! I tried my hardest to move some other part of my body besides my neck, but failed. I stared down at the needle in my arm and all I could think was, why? Why would they drug me? Yes, I tried to escape, but did they really have to drug me? Liam said it was to 'wake me up'. I mean honestly, don't you think I've been through enough? Almost being turned, gotten bitten, basically kidnapped with five guys I hardly even know - vampires. Crazy story to tell, eh? If I ever get to tell it. But the words kept replaying in my head on what Harry said.. How I was feeling towards him. Was it true? Was I growing feelings for him? Why would I? I hardly know him, and I should hate him! Shouldn't I?

I was beyond tired, and hungry, and weak. I needed to sleep, but I couldn't. This thing in my arm not allowing me, and like I said before I can barely move so I can't get up to get food or anything in such sort. I do have a voice.

"HELLO?!" I yelled. "CAN YOU PLEASE TAKE THIS THING OUT OF MY ARM?" I yelled. I know they can hear me... But guess what? Nothing. I kept yelling. "HELLO?! NIALL? LIAM? ZAYN?! LOUIS!" I yelled. Again... Nothing. Really? Then, I sighed in frustration before his name went off my lips. "Harry..." I slightly said, coming down into a whisper. Just then, the door opened revealing the curly headed flirt who 'marked' me.

"Yes?" He said closing the door behind him walking close to me, smirking.

"You all could hear me the whole time and you didn't come?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Obviously love," He said and chuckled in which I rolled my eyes in response.

"Well I've been trying to get y'all here for awhile now," I said annoyance visible in my voice.

"I know.. The boys heard you," He said sitting down on the left side of the bed.

"And they didn't come? Wow..." I said.

"You never called me," He said.

"I did t-"

"At the last minute..." He said.

"Whatever..." I said and he just stared at me.

"So.. Can you get this out?" I said nodding my head towards the needle.

He looked at it, and then looked up and rolled his lips acting like he was thinking.

"Hmmmm," He said. "How about.. No," He said and looked at me and smirked.

"This is just such a big game to you, huh? Sooo funny is it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Indeed babe," He said and did his 'famous hair flip' all girls go crazy for, and here he is, doing it right in front of my very own blue eyes but do you think I care? Uh, how about no.

I looked at him in disgust. "What?" He said smirking.

"Don't call me that," I snapped.

"What?" He asked, "babe?"

"Duh," I said annoyed.

"Oh, you don't like that babe?" He asked.

"Oh my god," I said rolling my eyes.

"It's alright. You'll get used to it babe," He said and slightly chuckled when I groaned.

"Can you at least make my life alittle less stressful?" I asked.

"Whatever you say...." He said and I looked at him, "love." I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He said in defense holding up his hands, "you never said I couldn't call you love." He said.

"Okay then can you not call me babe nor love please?" I asked sarcastically sweet.

"Alright... But you know, you're very lucky.. Any girl would die for me to call them either one of them.. And here you are, being called both," He said.

"Oh my god! Harry Styles just called me babe and love! I think I'm gonna faint!" I said acting like a fangirl, although it wasn't that good stating that I still couldn't move my body.

"That's more like it.." He said. There was a silence.

"So.. can you please take that out?" I asked looking at him then the needle.

"Why?" He asked as if there was nothing wrong.

"Um, because I can't move my body," I said stating the obvious.

"Oh so you want to move your body? If that's what you meant, that's all you had to s-"

"Harold, no. Seriously," I said sternly and he laughed.

"Alright, alright," He said and came closer getting it and slowly pulling it out.

"It may take a few minutes to let it work so you can 'move' again," He said and winked getting up.

"Alright well.. Thank you," I said.

"No problem love," He said and looked at me and smirked opening the door.

"You're an ass," I said as he leaned up against the door frame.

"Why thank you, beautiful," He said and winked before his tall figure disappeared.

Now all I have to do is wait for it to kick in so then I can move again...

**Harry's POV**

I know she's going to start feeling feelings towards me soon, if not already.. And honestly, I cannot wait! I am already starting to. I want to kiss her, touch her, hold her, and I can't stop thinking about her.. Plus, I want her blood so badly ; I need it. The best I've ever tasted. Weird. Nothing as sweet before. Addicting. But, I'm going to try my hardest not to. I want her to learn she can trust me. I'm going to gain my trust towards her. She's mine now, so I have to. I felt my lips curl upward just thinking about it... She's mine now. Forever.

**Jade's POV**

I kept trying to move my body, but so far I couldn't. What? It's been like 15 minutes now.. When's it going to work? As if my body was answering me, I was turning my ankles, and I felt my feet and toes moving. I smiled and then noticed my legs starting to move, as well. Finally, I was getting my feeling back! Suddenly an image magically appeared in my mind. His dark curls, and bright green orbs.. His white teeth shining, dimples visible while smiling. Such a beautiful fa-

I stopped. Crap... It's happening.. Isn't it? I shook my head 'no' fast and then brought my hands up to my head. Then I realized, I could move. I smiled and slowly got out of bed, my muscles weak. I groaned and made my way to the door. I walked wherever and then found the bathroom and walked in and closed and locked the door. I washed my face with water and looked at my reflection. I had dark bags underneath my eyes. I looked a wreck. I sighed and unlocked the door and stepped out. I heard voices coming from a room, so I quietly followed them, hoping they don't hear me trying to be as quiet as possible which is very hard when vampires are the ones talking and they can hear pretty much about, everything. I stopped when I was close enough to hear their conversation.

"You aren't really going to, are you?" I recognized Zayn's voice ask.

"I have to," Harry's voice answered.

"No.. Harry, do you really think you should?" Liam's voice filled my ears.

"Yes," Harry said quietly.

I heard sighs fill the room, and then it was dead silent. I felt weird inside, confusion and curiosity filling my brain. What could they be talking about? I was about to turn around when I heard something that would answer my question.

"I'm going to kill her."

Hello my hoes (; sorry i didn't update in such a long time, I'm sooo fudging busy like, holy funzz! I really hope you like this story so far.. Comment& vote. Bullied (Harry Styles Fanfic)

I'll update on that one soon... x

GIF of Harry on the sideee... also, how do you pronounce GIF? is how you pronounce it like the G as in Good or the G as in Gym? Lol.. Just lemme know my hoesss (; >>>>>

~Jade !xx

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