Chapter 25

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**Jade's POV**

Just as he brought the phone back down and away from his ear, his eyes locked on me, that's when I panicked. I would like to confess, I have never been so scared in my entire life. My life was literally in danger, anything could happen at this very moment, and no one is here to protect me. In fact, the one who said he'd protect me is the one doing it. I stood there wide eyed as I quickly turned around and ran. Except, it was pointless because seconds later I bumped into him, Harry now in front of me. I looked down at his hand to see one with his phone, the other empty. My curiosity took me to a question; Where's the gun?

"Don't worry, I won't do that," He said as if he knew what I was thinking. 

"What are you going to do?" I asked. He stared deep into my soul, the only sound was of my heavy breathing and the storm going on outside the world.. Outside where the storm was. Many people are either fast asleep right now, working, looking out their windows at the storm, not a care in the world, while I'm here stuck in hell. Literally. Or at least, with it.

"Hmm," He said looking up tapping his chin with the hand that was not holding the phone. "Decisions, decisions."

As he spoke, he kept his eyes screwed on the ceiling as he took steps closer to me, making me take steps back automatically. I mean, what was I going to do? Stand there? 

 "Harry," I spoke and his eyes met mine. 

"What?" He asked harshly.

"Don't do something y-"

"I'm going to do whatever I want with you," He spoke short. What a dick.

"Harry please," I said taking steps back as he took steps forward.

"I'm going to take you somewhere," He suddenly said. 

"What? Where to?" I asked confused.

"I'm going to show you," He said before he was suddenly gone in a blink of an eye. Just then, another crack of lightning hit, along with thunder causing me to jump in shock. I felt two arms wrap themselves around me from behind before my feet were being taken away from the floor, now dangling in the air.

"Harry, what? Put me down!" I yelled struggling to get out of his hold, but his grip tightened causing me to stop from lack of breath from the tight grip he was holding. 

 "Don't say anything, or do anything or this won't be easy," He said slowly. Before I knew it, we were heading towards the door, him throwing me over his back, before me re-balancing myself so that I could hold onto him as if he were just giving me a piggy back ride.  He opened the door, and we were off with the lightning; literally. 

The rain seemed a lot heavier, kind of hurting my skin each drop that landed heavily onto my skin. I closed my eyes, holding on for dear life. I kept trying to think positive. I never liked storms, let alone being out in them. But I knew Harry wouldn't let anything happen to me. Or so I think.

Everything started to slow down. The sky getting lighter, the rain getting lighter as well, and the thunder calming down. The only sound was of what sounded like waves or something crashing into rocks, or some hard surface. There were no more flashes, and before I knew it, we had stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around to almost about jump out of my skin. 

"Relax," Harry said calmly as he set me down so my feet were now able to feel the ground underneath me once again.

"Where are we?" I asked a little shaken up.

"Where does it look like?" He asked me chuckling slightly. I looked around, not dare looking down because I am afraid of heights. Everywhere I looked, all around was water. I didn't dare go to the edge, but I knew what was underneath. The sound of waves crashing sent me enough, all the information I needed to know what was below. Plus, I'm not stupid. I see water all around, so I know that's what's below us. Below the rocks.

Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang