Chapter 28

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**Jade's POV**

I sat slouched down against the wall, knees to my chest, my head buried in my knees for a couple minutes crying before rising my head when I heard noises. I sniffed and listened carefully trying to figure out what was going on. I recognized it as talking. I stood up slowly, but quick enough to hurry and see or hear what and where it's coming from and what is going on. I pressed my ear against the silver, cold door before I recognized those voices. They were the boys'! I kept my ear to the door listening. 

"Where's Jade?" Someone asked. My breath got caught in my throat for a second, me unable to speak until I took a deep breath before banging on the door, screaming.

I heard mumbling, my banging and screaming making me unable to hear what was being said. I kept on trying. Why can't they hear me? How can they not? I didn't give up. I kept trying, and trying, and trying until eventually, my hands were aching from me buffeting my fists onto the hard door. I brought my head against it, closing my eyes, defeated. Then, I opened my eyes and saw a little note. I read it, and right on it, it said something I did not want to see at all. 


Is that even possible?

If it is,

no wonder they couldn't hear me.

I sighed before slouching down again, waiting until I heard a loud roar. It sounded as if a beast or lion was on the other end. I flinched at the sound before I heard a loud bang. I jumped up in surprise. Then, I pressed my ear to the door again. Nothing. Such a silence, it was kind of uncomfortable. 

I felt my eyes drooping as if I was about to pass out. But really, the real reason was because I was too tired. I didn't really get good sleep, obviously. I thought I'm going to be in here for a while.. Mine as well take a nap while I can. So that's exactly what I did.

I lay my head up against the wall behind me, bringing my feet and legs in front of me, and closed my eyes. 

I really hope everything will turn out to be okay, I thought.

That's all I remember before I was out.


I heard footsteps coming. Heavy footsteps. They kept coming closer and closer. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch darkness wherever I was. I felt My hands were tight together, same as my ankles. My forehead and eyes had something covering them. Something was over my mouth as well, muffling coming out my mouth whenever I tried to speak. I was trying to crawl back, struggling each time I heard the sound of the footsteps getting louder. Coming closer. After a while, the footsteps stopped, as my back came in contact with something hard behind me. The wall. A light was turned on. The only reason how I know is I could see a fade light from the underneath of the cloth that was covering my eyes. Suddenly, I heard those same footsteps again. My heart started to thump against my chest, faster, faster, and faster by the second. I could sense the presence of someone in front of me, although the cloth was covering my eyes I knew someone was there. Another thing, the footsteps were directly in front of me, before coming to a complete stop. Suddenly, my forearms were grabbed in someone's tight grip, before my  feet were off the floor. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I felt someone's lips dangerously close to my ear.

"It's all your fault," his deep, husky voice rung through my ears. He pulled back before I heard a loud growl before a sharp, deep pain in the side of my neck. I screamed, which came out in muffles. The cloth over my eyes soaked from tears that were rapidly, falling down my face uncontrollably. My legs were kicking, my arms pacing back and forth but his strong hold kept them as still as he could. My whole body was squirming, moving as much as it possibly could trying to get away. The pain was increasing by the second, this man sucking all the blood from me. I could feel it being taken from my body, being drained away from my veins as he sucked, moaned. It was terrible. It was frightening. I felt the pain slowing down, as my body became more and more weak. It becoming a struggle fighting back. My eyes were becoming droopy, my screaming fading into whimpers. Everything started to get fuzzy, although I couldn't see that much, anyway. Suddenly, the man stopped before setting me on the floor. He took pulled the tape from my mouth, before slowly pulling off the blind fold for me to see him, him revealing himself. Just as I was just about to completely be gone, I got a quick glimpse of him. It was very blurry, but then I recognized his features. They were very familiar. At first I knew who it was, but he looked different. By just a bit. He looked just like Zach, but yet he didn't. He looked a tad different. His piercing on his lip wasn't there, and I noticed in a flash that the mark on the top of his nose wasn't there. I know, I couldn't see well anyway, but I knew it wasn't there. It was pretty visible, I wouldn't be able to miss it. So I know I'm not crazy. But the thing that confused me the most is that his eyes, and the things sticking out from his mouth, and the liquid that was coming from them. Then it triggered. Whoever it was, was a vampire. Then, everything went black as the unknown man disappeared from my sight.


I jumped up, my breathing heavy and cold sweat covering my whole body. I looked around to see it was pitch dark. Just like my dream I just had. Thank God it was only a dream, I thought. 

I moved and my breathing started to become regular again, but then my heart stopped. My stomach dropped. It was pitch dark, which made it even more scary. But especially when someone grabbed me, and pulled me towards them.

Happy Memorial Day everybody :) Just know that if you lost a loved one from war or battle, I'm sorry and this is for them.. Today. I hope you all have a good day, and may the prayers go to the ones whom died for our freedom. Love you all lots, and can't wait for you to see the trailer for this fanfiction! Only 2 more chapters, yay! Anyway, thank you and I hope you liked it.. Some of you were saying "Faith is dead I thought?" I know it's confusing now, but trust me later on it won't be. This fanfic is almost over!! It's been many months of writing, and very fun :) Love you guys. Pic of Harry on the side. I made it myself :) >>>>>>>>>.





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