♥ Epilogue ♥

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**Jade's POV**

After everything that has happened, I never thought it'd end up like this. I never thought I'd end up like this. I never would have thought I'd end up with him. Even though I escaped, I knew he'd find me. He was capable of anything, and everything. No matter how hard I tried, he'd find me. He'd be willing to. It was five against what... One? Two if you count Carol, but I didn't want to drag her into my mess. Even though, I knew she was already apart of it. She was apart of it from the start. Her daughter was killed by this man, by this monster. By these monsters. I knew he'd come and find me. I knew it. But I couldn't let him actually get me, capture me again. I had to do everything I was willing to in my power to not let him capture me. Because once he captured me, that was it. It was final. And I knew just as well as he did, that I was his. I know he would make sure I'd never leave him again. The thought of how much power and strength he had scared me. And the thought of him finding me terrified me. What would he do to me? To Carol? To others who got in his way? Or just out of anger? Other people's lives are in danger because of me. The thought of what he might do to me made a cold shiver run down my spine, and throughout my whole entire body. I felt weak, and intimidated. Poor Carol had no idea what was to come. Or what was even going on this very moment.

"What's wrong, love?" She'd ask me as we ran down the street to her house.

"I need your help," I tell her.

I think all Harry really wanted was love. He already had it from his fans, but I don't think he wanted it in that way. And once they knew, it'd be awful. His career would end, and he'd most likely become more of a murder than he already was. You can't force love. I realized it's there, or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love. But with Harry, it seemed he'd both protect and hurt me. He put me in danger just by being near him, and knowing about him and the boys. Harry just didn't want to be alone. Alone. Yes, that's the key word. The most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it, and hell is only a poor synonym. 

"What is going on, Jade?" She'd ask me as I would move around the house frantic, shaking, panting, everything you could think of that showed fear was there in my bones.

"I need your help, please. I need you to help me find my mother," I said with pleading eyes.

"Of course, why on Earth are you so scared, child?" She'd ask me, her hands being placed on my shoulders. I'd flinch at the touch, thoughts of his hands touching me being brought back into my memory. The connection from the mark was getting stronger, me getting weaker. Us being far apart making it worst. It was trying to draw us back together, and I didn't know how to stop it. It made me feel insane. I felt like I was losing my mind. Fear mixed with confusion ran through me. I panicked. I sobbed. I felt as if I was losing it. Losing my chance to be stable enough to find hope, to find my mother again. And the thought of him coming closer to find me, only made it worst. 

"He's going to find me," I'd sob, worry filled Carol's eyes. 

"Who?" She'd ask me.

I felt as if I was in a dream, all memories coming back as if I was about to die. Everything rushing through my brain all at once. If your eyes weren't open, you wouldn't know the difference between dreaming and waking. I looked her straight in the eyes, as calmly as I could say,

"A very powerful, dangerous, terrible monster."

Her eyes filled with confusion, before watering and her mouth falling agape, no words seeming to form before she let go of me.

"What do you mean?" She'd ask me. I'd shake my head. 

"You wouldn't understand, but I need to find my mother, and I need to keep you safe. Just like you're going to help me, I'm going to help you." 

"What do you mean, Jade?" She'd ask me again.

"I need to get out of here, and so do you. You're in danger, just as I am. And we don't have much time. I need to find my mother, and I need you to help me find her, along with helping me change," Tears ran down my cheeks as I spoke. Hiccups visible throughout my words.

"Change?" Her question made me stop to think. Before continuing.

"Yes. I need to change everything from my name, to my hair, to my style, to my accent to my eye color, to my skin color. Everything. I need to become someone new," Without realizing it, I was searching for scissors. "That's how you're also going to step in and help."

Carol would only smile, and nod, "Anything. I feel as if I need to help you like it's a priority. I am going to, and keep you safe my dear. Whatever you need, I'm here. I see the worry in your eyes, and I don't want to see that. I am going to keep you safe, I promise." The words sunk in. The last stung. Promises not being my thing, really. I smiled back anyway.

"Thank you," before handing her the scissors. 

"How short?" She asked me.

"About three inches, or so. You think?" I asked but before she answered, I cut in, "Make me look different." Before the scissors cut my hair.

After it was all finished, I grabbed the note he left and stepped outside. Ripping it to tiny pieces before speaking, "You're not getting your way, Harry Styles." 

Throwing it, the breeze carrying it away. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. He wouldn't listen, so neither will I. I am going to be dead to him, and I am going to find what I want for once, and not let him get his way. He's dead to me, and there will be no more Harry Styles nor the rest of them in my life. I am done. And for him, he can go on his own way. Because I am no slave to anyone, and I deserve a happy life. And if I could escape, it's a sign that I needed to, and that I need to be free.

"I am getting my own way this time."

As I looked around, watching the breeze pick up the pieces of the letter, them to fly away in the wind, a piece fell right in-front of my feet. I picked it  up, going inside locking the door before reading it. Two words.

"Just remember."

11 Months later, and it's finally over! I really hope you all liked this story, as I loved reading it :) I am going to start making videos of the boys, and I made one already! I don't have good editing effects, so it's not the best but whatever. I try my best. SUBSCRIBE &LIKE?! (link to video in comments below) 

and yeah! so, lemme know what you think :) I'm so happy to have such amazing readers such as you all along the journey of this fanfiction. News about new fanfics and possibly a sequel coming sooon! Read my stories that are already up on here which are, BULLIED, and FALLING FOR MY FATHER. (both HS) Anyway, follow me here, twitter, tumblr, and ask me stuff of ask! :) MUAH! I LOVEYOU ALL SO DEARLY! SHIP #Jarry


twitter: ItsHarrysBabe 

tumblr: OneDirectionAreVampires.tumblr.com

ask: ask.fm/ItsHarrysBabex

Quotev~go on my profile on here and get it... links in my bio :) 

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