Chapter 8

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**Jade's POV**

Instead of him biting me, he did something else. He started to suck on my bruised skin, making me wince in pain. He lightly grazed his teeth over it, nibbling slightly. He held me tighter, and pulled me closer into his body. What was he doing? Why doesn't he just bite me? He suddenly stopped and looked at my neck, and smirked. I felt a stinging and striking pain going through my neck. What did he just do to me?! I brought my hand up to where it stung, and felt it was slightly swelling where he just left his work.

"W-what did you d-do?!" I asked and he slowly started to back away from me, heading towards the door. He wouldn't wipe that damn smirk off his face! I swear, I could go and slap it off, but I controlled myself.

"Getting angry?" He asked still smirking.

"W-what?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I can hear your heart beating," He said.

"What the hell did you do to me?!" I asked starting to raise my voice.

"You can go and have a look for yourself, if you'd like," He said and pointing towards the door. I ran out it, and headed to the bathroom but got lost on the way. I sighed and groaned in frustration and rolled my eyes, turning around and then backed up slightly when Harry was standing right in front of me.

"Lost?" He asked STILL smirking.

"Well... yes," I said looking down.

"Follow,'' he said and guided me to the bathroom. He pushed me in, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I nervously pulled my hair back away from my neck and opened my mouth in an O shape form. There was a love bite... A hickey right where the bruise was.

"W-why! What did you do?!" I asked and looked in the doorway to see he had disappeared. I slammed the door in frustration and covered my neck with my hair, trying to forget about the situation which was pretty hard since the pain in my neck was increasing by the second. I leaned on the sink with my hands, making all my body weight going on the sink in front of me, and then looked up in the mirror. I need to leave, immediately! Before any of this gets worse! I turned the knob and let the water fall in the sink. I put my hands under the water and brought it to my face, lightly rinsing. I turned the knob off, and then grabbed a towel on the rack and dabbed my face and looked back in the mirror. How am I gonna leave? Just then, I thought of a plan. I opened the door and walked out and looked right and left. I decided since I came from the right, I better go left. I walked left, down the hallway trying to find the front of this place, finding no luck... Just then, I turned around the corner to find Liam turning just as I was.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I got lost," I said.

"Well here, let me help you back then," He said turning me around.

"No," I said and turned around to look at him. He just stared at me, and then I decided to go with my plan.

"W-who are you?" I asked stepping back from him looking him up and down confused.

"What?" He asked confused frowning his eyebrows.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around acting confused. If I'm going to get out of here, I need to act sneaky, right?

"Jade... What-"

"Jade? Who's Jade? Who are you?" I asked again stepping back staring at him.

"What's going on?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Stop! Don't come near me!" I screamed holding out my hand. "I don't know you! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled and ran passed him. He stood still in shock. Yes! It's working! I thought as I ran towards the front door. I turned the handle, and pulled it open. I ran as fast as my long legs could take me. I didn't look back. I just kept focused on running. Where am I going? Where can I go? They know where I live! I thought still running. Then, I stopped not knowing where to go, stuck in the woods. I looked around to see nothing but trees and grass in these woods. I had to act, fast! I ran to the closest tree and started to climb it. Luckily, I was successful. You see, I suck at climbing trees, but for some weird reason, I'm actually climbing it! Probably because I know this is what I must do to try to figure another way to escape. I climbed and climbed all the way to the top, and by the time I made it I was exhausted. My arms and legs were weak, and my neck was throbbing from the love bite Harry had left me earlier. I leaned my head against the trunk, and rested on the branch looking around. I noticed I had a really good view of the whole forest. It was really eerie in these woods.. Although it was night time which made it darker, it was still scary.. Like in horror films. Great, isn't it? Me being the only human, stuck with 5 vampires who've already killed.. I looked around and saw a lake not too far away from where I was, and then a little road a little farther away in the opposite direction. That must be the way out! I thought. I decided to stay and cool down a little before I got back down though. Just as I was about to go down, I heard that same familiar swoosh-ing noises and leaned against the trunk again, keeping still and trying to control my heavy breathing, still being exhausted.

"Wait!" I recognized Harry's deep voice saying.

"What?" Zayn said.

"You smell that?" Harry said.

"Yes," Niall said.

"Me too!" Louis said.

"She's close," Harry said and I covered my mouth and stayed still.

"So... She just, left? And forgot who you were and who she was?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah!" Liam said.

"Well great! This is just fantastic! You fucking just let her go?! She could be out there right now, doing dangerous things! If she lost her mind, who the hell knows what she's doing?!" Harry yelled, his voice getting louder and louder by the second, and making me get nervous. Why was he so mad?

"Harry... Mate, calm down," Louis said.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" I heard him yell and I heard his voice getting deeper and louder. "HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN SHE'S OUT THERE SOMEWHERE, GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT THE HELL SHE'S DOING?! SHE'S IN DANGER!" He screamed.

"She's in danger when she's with us, mate," Niall said.

"No! I CAN KEEP HER SAFE! SHE NEEDS ME!" Harry yelled. I need him? No, no I do not! Why would I need him? I'm not 10 years old, I can take care of myself! I've been doing it for 2 years now, I think I can handle the rest! I thought.

"Lads... Do you think she'd tell?" Zayn suddenly asked.

"She promised she wouldn't," Liam said.

"But wait...If she doesn't remember anything, then she doesn't remember anything," Louis said.

"Lou's right," Liam said.

"Alright well.. She's around here somewhere. Let's split up," Niall said.

"Sure," Zayn said.

"Alright but when you find her... Please just... Send me a mind message or something," Harry said sounding sad.

"We will Harry, we promise," Louis said.

"Alright.. Let's go. Let's all meet back here in 10 minutes," Liam said and I'm guessing they all agreed because I heard a swoosh noise signalling they're gone. I looked around and down just to make sure and decided to get down and try to escape now. I waited around 2 minutes and then started to go down. I was slow, still tired from climbing before, and running, and my neck still throbbing. Just when I was on my last step to hitting the ground, a sharp piece of the branch sliced over my skin. I winced and dropped down onto my feet and examined my arm. There was a huge long scratch on my arm, and then it started to turn red around the cut. But just then, a substance started to become visible. A substance that shouldn't come.. Especially at a time like this, where VAMPIRES are after you. Blood.

12 votes & 10 comments til next chappie ! :) thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and if you do tell others.. thank you. Much appreciated :D Xx LOVEYOU ALLL !



BEAUTIFUL song, & pic of what the woods look like where Jade (me) is. xx

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