Chapter 39

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**Harry's POV**

I waited until Jade was fully asleep before exiting the room. I made my way down to where the kitchen was, where all the boys were. I called Louis, motioning him to come towards me into the other room. He came with me. I made sure the other lads were talking, having their own conversation so they wouldn't ease drop on me and Lou, before I looked at him seriously.

"What is it?" He asked. 

"Did you give her enough?" I asked Louis.

"Yes, Harry. I put just enough into her sandwich. She'll be asleep for at least six hours," Louis said. 

"So, we can do it now?" I asked him.

"Indeed we can," He said.

"Alright, you distract the lads while I get the stuff and put it into Jade's room, deal?" I asked Louis.


After we spoke, Louis did as planned. As Louis did that, I went into Jade's room, before taking out the needle we used before on Jade. There was still alittle less than half way full of venom left. Liam thought it was too much, but I think it'll help get her back up on her feet again. I'd do anything to see her the same again. Or at least, close to it.

I picked the needle up, full of my venom before making my way back over to where Jade was. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I finally got the courage to snap back to reality. I took the needle before carefully taking her arm, before sticking it in, so the venom would go in her blood stream. When all the venom was gone, I set the needle down where it was before.  I grabbed a chair from where the desk was, where the needle lay and placed it next to the bed Jade lay on. I sat down on the chair, scooting it closer towards Jade. I gently started to rub her head. Staring at her everything.

"Everything will get better..." I trailed off, "I promise."


 Next day.


I took Louis aside while the rest of the boys were minding their own business in their own little conversations. 

"What is it, Harry?" Louis looked at me worriedly. I could tell my expression probably looked the same, but for a different reason.

"Why hasn't she woke up yet, Louis?" I asked him. 

"I-I don't know," He said his eyes widening. I clenched my fists. "Relax Harry! She should be waking up anytime now.. Don't jump to conclusions or worry yourself! You have to stay calm," He informed me.

"Stay calm? Stay calm?! How can I fucking stay calm, when she is basically dying?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, everyone, and everything got quiet. I felt that feeling in your throat, that burning feeling appear. I felt my eyes watering. I didn't realize it until now but, "I'm in love with her," I admitted.

"Harry just stay calm," Louis said to me quietly. "It'll be alright, okay?" He said.

"You promise?" I asked scared. 

"I-I." He paused before sighing, "I promise," But his answer didn't sound certain. 


**Jade's POV**

Everything and everyone was gone. There was only white all around me, surrounding me. It seemed as if it was never ending. I looked around confused. 

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