Chapter 6

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**Jade's POV**

He was coming closer and closer to me, and I couldn't do anything about it. He had me trapped. Right when his lips were about to touch mine, I turned my head to the side. His cold lips made contact with my right cheek, making me shiver. He really is ice cold. I heard him chuckle.

"You're cute," He said and I looked at him confused. His eyes turned even darker, and he leaned in again. I tried to wiggle from him but failed. Right as his lips were about to press onto mine, I quickly looked up so he couldn't. BIG mistake though.. It gave him full access to my neck.

"Oh so we're going to do it this way, are we?" He said in a seductive tone. His cold lips pressed to my neck, leaving tiny soft pecks on my exposed neck. I gasped at how cold his full lips were, and shivered. I heard him chuckle, sending a vibration throughout his chest. I tried to put my neck back down so I was looking forward, but his head was in the way. I was looking up at the ceiling, not knowing what to do, nor what he was going to do. Just then, I felt his one hand that was holding my one next to the left side of my head, being held into his hand, and him interlocking our fingers. I tried to get away from his hand, but he squeezed my hand signalling me to 'stop' and 'you're not getting away'. He opened his mouth, and I gasped. But, instead of biting me, he had something else in mind. I felt something wet trail up my neck. He got to a certain point, and there was a sting on my neck, like a cut getting healed sort of burn. He licked my neck up to my jawline, and then stopped at the tip of my jawline. He stopped and let go of me.

"Shit," He muttered and backed away from  me, and then he was gone with a *swoosh* side. In a blink of an eye, I was alone in the room. I was shocked by what just happened. I was breathing heavily and then I went down the wall, my back still against it. I brought my knees to my chest and crossed my arms over my legs, and put my head down. I closed my eyes as some tears streamed down. I didn't say anything. I just stayed put. I opened my eyes and brought my head up when I remembered something... My phone. I slowly stood up, but it was hard and that's when I remembered. I'm chained. Shit! The door opened revealing Liam and Zayn.

"We're back!" Zayn said and they had a tray of food. They brought it over to me, and I sat down again.

"Thank you," I said taking the tray. Liam handed me a water bottle which I took and smiled. He smiled back and then they watched me. I looked down to see there was a sandwich and chips. I took the sandwich and brought it to my lips and opened my mouth, and then put it in between my lips biting down. I have to admit.. It was good. I chewed and swallowed, though it was hard from my throat being so dry. I opened the water bottle, and brought it to my lips, feeling the cold liquid going down my throat. I continued eating my sandwich, and then had a few chips but then I was full.

"I'm finished,'' I said and they nodded and Zayn took my empty tray and half eaten back of chips, and made his way to the door. It was just me and Liam and he sat down next to me.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked me.

"...No," I said awkwardly and he sighed.

"I'm sorry," He said.

"Well.. Let me go," I said.

"We can't," He said.

"Why not?" I asked alittle annoyance showing in my voice.

"Because, you saw us. You know about us, you'll just go to the police and we cannot let that happen," He said.

"But I won't! Why can't you just trust me?!" I asked.

"Because, it's already happened to us before.." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well.. You see... A long time ago, when we first became the way we are now, we got caught. Kind of like what happened in the same situation you are in. A girl caught us... We went after her, and got her. Then, after several days her being with us, she wouldn't eat, sleep, talk, and so on. We let her go, but told her not to tell.. She promised. A few weeks later, there were police all around our building, and they tried to get us. And there was the girl, watching the scene. So, we had to kill them.. Then, she tried to run, so.. We had to..." He paused and closed his eyes and swallowed.

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