Chapter 20: "I am afraid."

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**Jade's POV**

I was tossing and turning. I couldn't find a right position. No matter how hard I tried, every position seemed to get even more uncomfortable by the second. I sighed before opening my eyes, and when I did it was not at all where I remembered me last being. I looked around at the unfamiliar place, before getting up out of the bed, and going towards the door. As I pushed down on the floor with my  feet each step I took echoing through this empty room, I got closer and closer towards the door. Right as I was about to go through it, it slammed right in front of me. Nothing really causing it; no wind, anyone or anything there for it to just suddenly close like that. I backed up a little shocked on how close I was to just about being slammed into the door and crushed, backing up I turned around to see the window now open and a light breeze coming in through the dirty window. There were old white curtains around them, slightly brown from the dirt and dust on them, them most likely being there for years and years already. I quickly made my way towards the window, the echoing of my footsteps being heard throughout this empty space. Just as I was about to kneel down, that shut as well causing a loud thud, and my hair to blow back from the sudden action. My eyes widened when I heard an all too familiar swooshing sound. What do I do? Do I look back? I'm going to have to eventually. I turned around, but nothing was there. Although I felt another presence in the room along with me. I stood still, feeling my heart beating fast in my chest, thumping hard. I heard the same swoosh noise, before I saw a figure quickly past by right in front of my eyes, making my hair go back like a mini-breeze. I closed my eyes as I kept hearing the noise. I covered my ears with my hands, as I felt my hair keep blowing now harder and harder before I felt something right in front of me. Just as I opened my eyes, it all stopped. The wind, the eerie feeling, everything. Just then, the door opened slowly making a creaking noise. I stepped back instead of forward towards it. Just then, I saw a shadow on the wall, signalling the person coming was close. I could tell who it was by their silhouette. Just then, they were in the room with me. But they weren't alone. I saw a golden-eyed angry looking Harry, along with a tied up Zach. I gasped, and covered my mouth with my left hand. I was too shocked to do anything, I just stood there flabbergasted. Just as I took a step to come over to him, Harry growled. 


I stopped and looked at Zach. His hands were tied behind his back, around his ankles, and a cloth around his mouth between his teeth, so he couldn't talk although I heard his muffles. 

"No!" My voice cracked.

Harry pushed him on the ground, Zach dropping to his knees before lying on his stomach as he groaned. Harry looked at him, tilting his head and then at me.

"P-please, stop" I pleaded looking at Harry feeling tears welling up in my eyes. I do not want to witness this. I do not want this to happen. He's innocent. Nothing's wrong that he's done. He helped me. He didn't know what was happening. Zach was trying to protect me. And now, look where him trying to protect me has gotten him into. A huge mess. And it's all my fault. He's been my protector for a while, so now I must be his.

"Harry!" I said my voice cracking again as I felt the tears welling up even more in my blue eyes. Harry had his eyes glued on me before smirking. I do not know what he had in mind, but I knew it'd be a nightmare. Zach's worst nightmare. All because of me. This is all my fault. I got him into this mess, I'm going to do my best to get him out of it.

"Don't do anything please," I said.

Harry looked at Zach who had his eyes shut, still fully tied. Just then, Harry dug into his back pocket before taking something out. I couldn't really make it out, but then I realized what it was and gasped running towards him.

Are You Afraid? (One Direction Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu