Chapter 29

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**Jade's POV**

I was brought onto someone's lap, them holding me not letting me go whatsoever. My breathing was the only thing that could be heard. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch dark, me not knowing who this person could be.  I tried to feel around to try to possibly figure out who it could and might be. I brought my hand up finding their torso, going up more and more. They had a shirt on, but I could tell they worked out. Their firm chest was vibrating under my touch. I knew by the deepness it was a male. The laugh sounded familiar as well. 

"So now you're trying to make the first moves on me now, eh?" I heard his deep voice.


"Yes, who else would it be?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I said a little frightened, and confused.

"Are you alright? I felt like you were in trouble.. I came to make sure you were okay. You were screaming in your sleep, and breathing heavy. And you're still shaking."

"I'm fine," I lied.

"No, tell me." 

"I said I'm fine."

"Jade," He warned. "Obviously not since you're still a bit shaken up. What did you dream about?" Harry asked me.

"Can't you read my  mind?" I asked.

"Sadly, no."

"Oh," I said. At least that was a good thing. So I could lie or whatever and he wouldn't really notice. "How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked still in his lap. I was a little uncomfortable. The position we were in. Me sitting on his one leg, and half on the floor while one hand was on his chest, the other on the floor. When I realized I still had it on, I took it off. But he took my hand and placed it right back where it was. On his chest again.

"I could sense it," Harry answered me.

"But how?" I asked.

"I guess it's the connection we have."

It stayed silent for a couple of seconds. It was a little awkward to be honest.

"Harry?" I asked.


"Can you turn on the lights, I can't see anything," I said.

"What are you talking about? They're already on," He said as if I was stupid.

"What? No they're not," I said.

"Yes they are Jade," He said.

"Harry, stop fooling around and turn them on! I hate the dark," I said.

"Alright, alright," He said teasing me, slightly laughing at my argument with him. I felt him shift underneath me, before my bum landing on the floor. I stretched a little before getting up. The lights suddenly went on, too bright for my sensitive blue eyes. It squinted for a few seconds, before my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the light. I started to walk towards where the open silver door was, but then the lights went off again. I stopped walking and kept still.

"Harry?" I called out.

The lights went on. I took a step forward. The lights went off.

"Really, Harry? Really?" 

The lights went on. I took a few more steps towards the door. The lights went off. Then on, then off again. This repeated multiple times. I went to the door about to go through it, before it slammed shut. I screamed in fright, not at all expecting that to happen and took many steps back. Then, the lights went out.

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