Chapter 19

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Guys, I'm grounded so that's why it's taking forever to update.. I'm sorry. I got bad grades so, yeah.. FML. Anyways, here's chapter 19. Remember, every 10th chapter is the most 'interesting' so, next is 20 so GET EXCITED!! Yay! Also, I'm now on twitter! @ItsHarrysBabe :) I might make one personally for me on here, idk yet but yeah.. Go follow me :) & follow/fan me on here as well. Anyway, here. Also, I found this song i love so listen to it, also that's a picture of who Zach is/what he looks like. Sorry, no gifs or vampire pics of the boys... But I just wanted you guys to know what/who Zach is/looks like if you didn't read my character list on the side, so yeah. There you go. :)  >>>

BYE. ENJOY. COMMENT. FAN. FOLLOW. VOTE. TELL. OTHERS. ALSO. FOLLOW. ME. ON. TWITTER. AT. @ItsHarrysBabe (Link below in the first comments)

**Jade's POV**

I was petrified. What was I supposed to do? I can't run. I can't really do anything really. I mean, wouldn't the boys follow me? Also, wouldn't Zach follow me? What should I do? 

"Uh.." I said not knowing what to say.

"Zach, remember? I drove you home that one night?" He said hope showing in his eyes that I'd remember.

"Oh! Right," I said to him and he smiled.

"Where have you been?! Everyone's looking for you! You're on the news, so many people are worried sick about you!" He asked. Who would be worried about me? Maybe my boss, and some of the employees at the diner, but that's really it. My family left me. I have no one anyway.

"It's really complicated actually.. I can't really explain it," I said shyly.

"Why? What do you mean?" Zach asked me slightly confused and worried showing in his tone.

"It's just..." I trailed off trying to look around anywhere from him.

"It's just?" He asked trying to get me to continue.

"I can't tell you," I said.

"Well.. Wh-why not?" He asked worried.

"I just can't," I said looking down at my food, suddenly not feeling so hungry anymore.

"Are you here alone?" He asked after there was a silence. I thought for a second before looking up into at him, seeing him examining my face. I looked at him and noticed he had a lip piercing.. Something I didn't realize the night he brought me home, maybe because now he's not in uniform.

"Y-yes," I lied. I had to. I couldn't let him know that I was here with someone. Someone being five someones. Five someones that weren't even human. The ones I saw that night he brought me home, the ones I witnessed when I saw the killing in the park. The murderers. The vampires. One Direction. 

"Well.. Come with me, because so am I," He said putting his arm around me guiding me the opposite direction of my table; The table I was originally supposed to be at.  I followed him, having no other option. If I ignored him, he'd most likely follow me. If he followed me, he'd see the rest of the guys. If that happened, who knows what would happen. All I know is that it wouldn't turn out well. In fact, it'd most likely turn into my worst nightmare. A nightmare that would never fade away, and that would be reality. Something I'd have to live with for the rest of my life. 

He brought me to his table. I hesitated before sitting down. I sat down in front of him, now I could see him and my table. I could see all the five boys waiting, talking among themselves except one. Harry was looking straight ahead, clenching his jaw. Every once in awhile he'd run his fingers through his curls before looking back straight ahead. Zach sat down, and I could no longer see that much of the table anymore. I could only see some of Harry, and Zayn, the others boys being blocked by Zach. I was actually surprised they didn't even see me, maybe because Zach was blocking me, just like he was blocking them from my eyes. 

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