Chapter 27

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**Harry's POV**

As I was shutting the door, Jade looked confused and petrified. I couldn't help the smirk that was planted on my lips. I knew she was starting to feel it. When I touched her, she'd shiver. I was myself sometimes questionable whether or not it was fear or the affection, but my mind just kept thinking it was because she was developing feelings for me. But then, I got angry thinking she was afraid of me. Maybe that's why I was being such a to her. But, she drove me to it. I knew her and that cop d.ick had se.x . I don't really care if she tells me otherwise. I can feel it. I feel it inside. Some might call it jealousy, but I call it knowing the facts. I was actually going to see myself if it were true or not, because the only way to find out if he did take her virginity was to try it out myself, but then I stopped myself after my demonized way took over. The look of pleading in her eyes was killing me. I had to stop; which I did. Then I took her to the cliff. Probably a big mistake but, whatever. I am going to be with her, and she's going to be with me for the rest of her life. Which is a very long time, because once she gets ready enough I'm going to change that and make it so that it's forever whether she likes it or not. I know if I did it now she wouldn't like it, but maybe when she starts to grow more feelings for me she'll actually enjoy it and admire it. She should. Any girl would. I mean, who am I? That's right. Harry Styles from One Direction; the world's biggest boy band. But, if only the girls who are 'in love with me' really knew the real me. The monster that controls me now. Me and the boys. I wonder where they are...

Louis, Niall? Zayn, Liam? Where are you? I sent a mind message to all of them, hoping they'd respond which I knew they would. But, it took them awhile to, which isn't like them.

Harry, the question is where are you? And where's Jade? Is something wrong? I can hear her heart beating from all the way over here where we are! What's going on?

The boys all asked me questions of where I was, where Jade was, and mostly what's going on with her and me. What did I do? Where are we?

Just come over to the wooded house near the library, in the woods next to it. I'm there. I answered.

Where's Jade? They all asked.

Just come, and I'll explain when you're here. I replied. I knew I didn't have a lot of time to think of a better explanation then that I was close to hurting her. So I had to think fast. And when I mean fast, I meant fast. 

I could... No.

But then I could.... wait no, that wouldn't work either.. Shit, I thought to myself.

Just as I was thinking of different things to say to them, the door opened.

"Harry?" I recognized Niall's Irish voice ask. 

"In here," I said from the dirty old -worn out living room I was in. As much as I wish I didn't, I sat down on the worn out dusty couch. After a few seconds, all four of them were standing in front and around me with the same expression. Raised eyebrows as if they were waiting for me to spill.

"So," Louis said impatiently.

"Alright well, everything is alright.." I lied. I knew they could tell. I wouldn't look them in the eye, and all of a sudden the thought of Zach and Jade together popped into my mind, making me grow that same feeling in my stomach with a mix of anger.

"Where's Jade?" Zayn asked. 

"Not here," I simply said. My anger increasing.

"Where is she then?" Liam now asked me. The image was getting worst. 

"Ugh!" I held my head in my hands, rubbing my forehead with my palms trying to get it away.

"No! I do not know!" I said my voice rising, I can feel my eyes flashing.

"Harry, are you alright?" Louis asked me. I felt my fangs lengthening. I couldn't take it anymore. The feeling of seeing my girl with another guy just tore me apart. I have no idea how this image is here and won't go away, but I cannot take it.  

I brought my hands away from my head, I looked at the boys to see them step away as I stood up. A loud, low growl escaped my mouth just as I took off in vampire speed to the only place that made me feel alive again. The only place only I knew about, and Jade. I knew I'd be left alone; the cliff.

As I ran through the woods to get there I kept seeing the image in my mind. The faster I went, the more it'd fade but then come back. The thing Jade and Zach were doing, which I knew they have already done was something that only me and Jade were supposed to do, and the thing she's only experience with me, and me only. That's what made me explode. I knew if Zach wasn't already gone, I'd go back and rip him to shreds but, that was already done.

Just as I arrived at the cliff, there was someone else there. I hid behind a tree as I listened to what was said. It was a guy and girl. I listened trying to keep my calm. The smell of their blood in the air making my mouth water. I stopped breathing, which I could do since I am what I am and continued to listen. I knew if anything happened and even the word 'blood' was said I would go mad right there and then, and attack them. So I tried to keep my cool.

"Why are we here, Danny?" A sound of a girl's voice rung through my ears. The wind and distance of them I shouldn't be able to hear them, but with my ears I can hear them as if they were right next to me.

"I wanted to bring you here. Isn't it great? I found it recently, I don't know how but I just did.. It's amazing," I'm assuming 'Danny' said to the girl whose name I do not know.

"Yes, it is. I love it," I heard her say and then I heard rustling. I looked back quickly and hidden to see they were hugging. I looked down and sighed. I miss being able to be that way, I thought.

"I love you, Faith." Danny said. My heart dropped to my stomach at her name. Faith. I swallowed hard and looked at her and better yet, she had blonde hair just like my Faith.

"I love you too, Danny." She said before they kissed. I backed away quietly but quickly before heading back into the woods in vampire speed now that stuck in my mind, and the memories I had with Faith that made me feel terrible how it ended. All because of me. Why am I like this? I wish I could be human again. I wish I could be normal again, and be loved. Yes, I have my fans who love me but I want to be able to do the things I could before, and not be able to run fast and be able to be fair. But, that's all gone and I have to except that. But now, I have both people in my mind. Two people who changed my life, or what it is now; Faith and Jade.

I decided to do a chapter with Harry's POV. Also, so it's faster so we can get to chapter 30 and the trailer! Anyway, I hope you liked this and if you're confused on who Faith is, it explains it in chapter 6 of my story. So, go reread it :) Pic on the side, I made it :) the pics from now on out are what i made, unless I say otherwise. I'm bringing the boys more back into the story, sorry they aren't really in this as much as I thought.. it's more of a Harry fanfiction. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and vote, comment, fan me :) follow me on twitter&tumblr.







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