Chapter 3

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**Jade's POV**

My heart was beating at a tremendous speed. It was beating so fast, it literally felt like it was just about to explode out of my chest. My stomach felt like it fell to the floor, and my throat was dry plus there was a lump in it. My palms were sweating mad, and my eyes widened. I stood there, terrified. As I stared outside, I blinked and the figures were out of sight. I looked down my window searching for them, but they were no where. I pulled my phone up and quickly dialed 9 -11 with my shaking hands. It rang, then finally a woman picked up.

"Hello 9- 11 what is your emergency?" She asked.

"Y-yes.. Hi. There are five people coming after m-me," I said stuttering.

"Where are you ma'am?" She asked.

"In my house," I said.

"Okay, and are they trying to come into your house?'' She asked.

"Yes," I answered her.

"Okay ma'am.. I need you to stay calm and get to a secure place.. Maybe under a bed or in a closet," she said and I got under my bed.

"O-okay.. I'm under my bed," I said quietly, trying to stop breathing hard and shaking from fear.

"Alright.. What is your address?" she asked and I gave her my address.

"Alright, police are on their way.. Just stay there and hidden, and stay calm! What is your name?'' she asked.

"Jade," I said.

"Okay Jade.. " she said and typed, "are they in your house now?'' she asked.

"I-I don't know.. but they were coming towards my house when I saw them.. There's 5... I called earlier. I think they're the ones who murdered that girl in the park yesterday! This is the same girl who witnessed it.." I said.

"Oh! I see! Well, that's interesting.." She said.

"Yes.." I said quietly. Just then, I heard sirens , and a bang on my front door.

"Oh! I think the cops are here now.. I hear them," I said getting out from under my bed heading downstairs still holding my iPhone.

"Alright.. Stay safe!" She said.

"I will.. Thanks," I mumbled hanging up the phone coming downstairs. As I made it to the last step, the sirens stopped, my front door was wide open. I frowned my eyebrows and walked on my porch, to see nothing but darkness due to the time it is, and how the streetlight burned out, so basically the only lights were from the stars and moon. I looked around, and didn't see any red and blue lights which would be visible, but nothing was there, and it was silent. I turned around about to go back in my house when I heard a sound, sounding like a wind at speeding speed. *swoosh* it sounded. I turned around to see nothing. Just as I was turning around 90 degrees, I was lifted off the ground with such force, it took my breath away. I let out a terrifying scream, to have my mouth being covered by a hand. I wiggled, squirmed, kicked, punched the air, but nothing worked. The person holding me was too strong, and it seemed like I was a tooth pick compared to them. They were holding me with one arm, while their other hand was placed on my mouth. They were basically only holding me with one arm, and with all my fighting usually a normal person would be either struggling with me, or failed and just let me go or drop me, but this person seemed like I weighed nothing at all! Eventually I saw four other figures coming towards me and the person holding me. My eyes widened and I shook in fear. I then figured it out.. One was holding me, the others were four.. Five.. The five! They were the five figures! They tricked me! They made it look like they were the cops! But.. Why didn't they just come in my house then?

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