Chapter 24

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FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR! (LInk in comments) The pic on the side is one i made, &it's up on my tumblr :) I'm so sorry you all had to wait this long, I had SUCH a busy week/weekend, you have no idea! Something just came up and..... ASDFGHJKL! SO, I didn't finish the trailer... YET *sigh* But I am finishing it up, and I'm hoping it'll be up by the next chapter! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO UPLOAD IT ONTO THE SUMMARY THINGY IN THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE STORY WHERE IT SAYS "Start Reading" ?! IF YOU DO, LEMME KNOW PWEASEEEE. A chappie will be dedicated to you ;) anyway, sorry for the long wait, but thank you for being patient with me and staying through this and here's the next chapter you've all been waiting for so.... BE HAPPY. MUAH! X ~j


 "Let it go Jade," His voice was demon-like. I knew his eyes were golden still. His voice was all I needed to know that.

I didn't say anything. I kept my courage. I kept my hand wrapped tightly around the gun, not giving in. 

"Jade, I'm warning you. You don't want to upset me more than I  already am."

 I still didn't give in.  That's when it really hit him. The lights went on. His eyes were golden, his pupils dilated, his jaw was clenched, I could see his fangs coming through his lips, and that's when it hit. That's when he snapped.

 **Jade's POV**

Harry forcefully brought my arm up with his hands, my hand almost letting go of the gun, but right as he was about to take it, I did something that left both me and him scandalized. I don't know why I did it. I don't know how I did it. I don't have an explanation at all for how it all happened, but it did. The look in his eyes, and seeing his appearance with his voice left me apprehensive. Just as he was about to grab the gun, I pulled the trigger. The way his body was so close to mine, and while he was trying to grab it, created an angle it was shot in. I don't know where it shot, I had a pretty good idea where by the growl Harry released as well as his grip on me. He backed up thumblingover backwards before hitting the ground. I quick looked down at him seeing his eyes shut, him holding his side before seeing something completely enthralling. A liquid from his body was now disappearing. His hand quickly left his side before his eyes opening immediately meeting mine before I saw where the bullet landed. It went in the side of his stomach, but when I saw what was happening I knew I had not at all a lot of time to move. It was the strangest thing. Suddenly, the part around the bullet started to heal, but then that's when I remembered. That happens to his kind. My feet took me towards the front door again. When I finally reached it, it was still locked. 

"F.uck!" I screamed. "Help! Help! Somebody, help me please!" I banged on the door anticipating somebody will hear me. I heard a swoosh noise directly behind me before feeling something close by. I sensed someone behind me. I felt it. Watching me. I kept trying, not giving up screaming, hoping for a way out. I kept on banging on the door as if my life depended on it, and to be honest... It might at what is happening at this very moment. 

"You shouldn't have done that," His deep voice rung through my ears right behind me. 

I was spun around forcefully, my back coming in contact with the door behind me making me wince. I closed my eyes, feeling his heavy breath fanning over my face. My wrists were held tightly in his hold above my head. His other hand holding something that made my throat go dry, and my stomach drop.

I tried my absolute hardest to wiggle free from his grip, but it was useless. He put both his legs on the outside of mine, bringing them together before pulling me forward harshly, me falling forward  onto his firm chest. He tossed me over his back before I felt everything seem to go by like lightning. I felt the wind blowing, water falling from above as I was being brought to who knows where. In fact, I heard the thunder, and the crackling of the lightning above us, indicating we were outside. Everything started to slow down, and a door was opened. I could only see upside down where we were going, everything dark inside me not knowing what was going on. I screamed and banged on his back, kicking my legs trying to get down. But guess what happened; nothing. A deep voice rang in my ears.

"You're going to regret this later."

I stopped. Everything. Even breathing. All I was thinking about was ending it... Everything. I don't need to be on here, this earth. Why was I, anyway?  I'm just a waste of space. My parents left me, I have no one but what? My boss? I'm missing, he probably thinks I'm dead. I kind of am, aren't I? I mean, hiding from the world.. With the dead. 

"Stop," I desperately whispered. He kept bringing me to wherever we were on this stormy night. Suddenly, I was dropped down onto a hard surface. I looked up to see him going away from me. Still shirtless. 

"Where are you going?" I asked low, barely a whisper. I'm surprised he even heard me when he turned around.

"I'll be back," is all he said before he was gone. I heard the door lock, wherever it was. I looked around in the darkness, every once in a while I could see the lightning from the tiny window close by on the wall. That's it. I couldn't find the door anywhere. Not that I really tried to though. I was still flabbergasted by what had just happened. I stood up shaking from the thunder looking around for the door. I finally found a knob and when I did, I turned it. It opened, and I stepped out. I honestly felt as if I were in a movie. Everything happening so fast, and something you wouldn't ever expect to happen is in fact happening. I stopped when I heard footsteps and a low voice.

"What am I supposed to do? Kill her now too?! No. No! I can't!" His voice yelled. I flinched even though he couldn't see me. His voice went with the storm. It was even more frightening.

"Yes... I didn't mean to! I saw them in bed and-and... I know they had sex, I just know it. She says they didn't but, I can sense it," His voice deepening by the second.. Why would he think that? How could he even sense that? I didn't, though. 

"No! Don't tell me to calm down!" He yelled in what I'm assuming to be the phone because I heard no other voices besides his own. He made me flinch as he yelled, the thunder roaring, the lightening crackling as if they were together as a team; Harry and the storm.

"You're no help! In fact, you're making me even more mad! I am about to loose it, and I already almost did a few minutes ago, and now this is just testing me to pull my last thread standing!" He yelled. I've never heard him so mad. Thank God I couldn't see him, that would make me feel even more scared of what's going to happen. What's happening to him.

"What do you mean how did I almost lose control? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? God, you! I can't deal with all of this right now.. I need to feel alive again. Something I haven't really felt in quite a long time," I heard as I saw him walking towards the front door. I noticed he was fully dressed now. He wore a black shirt, a grey hoodie on top of it, hood over his orange beanie he wore on his head. He held his phone in his right hand, pressed up against his right ear heading towards the door. Just as I was about to step forward, he stopped heading towards the door.

"I need to feel alive again," He said in the phone. Just then, he turned around in my direction. I hitched in my breath, me quickly turning around. The floor beneath me creaking as I did so. I looked up at him again to see him staring directly at me.

"And I know of a way how to," He said in the phone before bringing it down away from his ear.

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