Chapter 2

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Birds.. please kindly. Shut the fuck up.

Still fucking tweeting at like 4 am.


I've been woken by stupid birds stupidly tweeting in the morning like they do. Not annoying at all when you basically when to sleep like five minutes ago.

Yep. I never slept.

Not once did I manage to sleep last night. I'm cold, lost and have no fucking clue of who to go to for help, the police? Nah, 'oh yeah, I've been kicked out my home because I love dick' the police wouldn't listen to an eighteen year old boy who looks honestly about twelve. I have no family near or around for me to ask for help, no one to just 'call' and ask if I can stay there for a while until I have a job and a warm secure place to stay briefly, because I hope to settle down with a guy eventually, maybe ever adopt two beautiful children but there's no way the children would have a grandmother. My mum can fuck off.

I've had nothing to eat since lunch yesterday.

No one is around except the excited early morning birds and the odd few cars whizzing past going to work to get there for five am, most likely.

I decide to stand up and take a walk. Not going anywhere really, just walking, by myself, I like to think about how pretty nature actually is whenever I take walks, it's a wonder of the world, people take it for granted and abuse it's beauty for other resources, like.. a tree growing up taking twenty odd years just to become a shitty Justin Beiber notebook. But some aren't wasted and they become All Time Low notebooks, they're the real winners here.


I continue to stroll through this little walking path, it's full of life, trees and bushes everywhere, practically engulfing you as you walk through a sea of sound, haha, hey that's a line in an ATL song. Therapy, I do believe it's named.

It's practically me right now.

I need therapy.

My ship went down,

in a sea of sound,

when I woke up alone,

I had everything.

I sing softly to myself walking calmly through the noise of horny male animals calling for a mate.

A handful of moments,

I wish I could change,

And a tongue like a nightmare,

That cut like a blade.

This song is basically all about me and my past.. the people, the hurt, the lies, the saints without a cause. The heroes, if you like. Because, as ATL sing, people aren't heroes, they're liars, they're not saviours, they're vampires that suck the life out of every friend they've ever known. It makes me remember my past and how much I really hated it. I don't like to talk about it.

So I just begin to cry and sing.

In a city of fools,

I was careful and cool,

But they tore me apart like a hurricane,

A handful of moments,

I wish I could change,

But I was carried away...

Why am I always left alone? My mum practically hates me, Greg.. he didn't even try to stop her from kicking me out! Come on that's unfair! He said he'd be there all the way, he isn't here now, instead, I'm by myself.

Fool's Gold - Narry StoranWhere stories live. Discover now