Chapter 21

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-Harry- ooooo

"Niall, love, put the blade down," he could probably hear my fear. We're in my bathroom, as he was.. hurting himself. I'm frightened to death right now. He is terrifying when he goes into these psychotic thoughts and moments. He makes me scared. He hurt me so much when he basically sliced my arm open.

"No Harry, I deserve it," right now he's not threathening to kill anybody. Or hurt anybody. He hasn't even pointed the blade at me. He's holding it above his own wrist and he is threatening himself.

"Niall, baby, listen to me. You have so much to live for, we can help you. I promise," he looks shamed in his features and he slowly removes the blade, a load of relief floods through my body and he holds it in his hand, "Baby, give me the blade," I ask and demand at the same time. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"O-okay," he walks to me and he carefully puts the sharp object in my hand, "I'm s-sorry," he wipes at his eyes like a little kid and it's so cute. He is adorable.

He sniffles and sobs quietly to himself as he had made a few small cuts on his wrist. But they weren't anything a plaster couldn't fix.

"Niall, why are you crying, sweety?" I ask him and smile at his adorable features that are all screwed up with emotion.

"I.. I'm sorry," he keeps muttering to me and I wrap my arms around him. He's back to himself now. Maybe I helped. It's like I got through the barrier that forms in his mind when he goes into the psychotic stage.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you," I just hold him close as he sobs a little. But he sounds so heartbroken.

It's probably a memory. I read somewhere online that a psychotic thought is usually because they were reminded of something.

"What's on your mind?" I ask him and he wipes his teary eyes on my shirt, I take his hand and walk him from my bathroom to my bed. I sit down and he situates himself on my lap. I just accept him and his head rests on my shoulder. His smaller arms wrapping round my waist.

"What did you think about?" I ask him again and he sniffs.

"It's stupid," he mumbles and hides his face in the crook of my neck.

"Nothings stupid baby, come on tell me!" I plead and he looks up at me.

He takes both of my cheeks in his hands and strokes them. Looking me dead in the eye.

"I remembered.. h-how you said.." he pauses as if it's hurting him to say it.

"I said what?" I ask gently.

"H-how you said you d-didn't-" he chokes on a sob and I instantly know what it was.

"That I didn't love you," I sat for him and he cries harder. I am doing this to him. It's my fault. He wanted to kill himself because I didn't love him.

"Niall.. please stop crying," I beg him and he sits up and tries to force himself to stop.

"Not quite literally like that," I say with a kind smile. And he sniffs and his bottom lip is still trembling as he tries to hold back his tears.

"Baby," I have a question, he looks up at me to urge me to go on. "That wasn't a psychotic thought was it," I believe it was just his depression getting the best of him.

"No," he says in shame and looks away. I pull his head back up and he looks at me with so much hope. I guess this is it.

"I don't know what I did to deserve somebody like you. You're so beautiful and caring and sweet. You know how to make somebody feel important. I really don't understand how I got you. I hate to be the cause of you crying, I don't want you to you waste your tears on an asshole like me, I'm just a horrible person and when I first met you I didn't know what it was I was feeling. I liked you so much and I didn't know what to do about it. I've never really had a girlfriend. Girls just sort of came and went. I didn't know why I didn't want them the way I wanted you, you helped me see I was gay. I used to do it with them but I didn't think I was enjoying it as much as I enjoy being with you. You made everything seem awesome. Like the day in my garden. You shouldn't of come to me and asked what was wrong, I was an asshole to you. I made you cry a lot. I'm so sorry about it when I kissed the fucking maid. Only to find out she was a relation to your past, which I didn't really understand, but you helped me understand it. I loved that when you were upset you'd come running to me. I love that you loved me even when I said it and lead you on. But now.. I'm saying this because, I just don't know what I'd do without you." I pause and he looks at me with wide blue eyes. Glossy and shiny. He's so beautiful.

"You really are something. You're incredible, I don't understand why you're insecure, you don't need to be, I love every part of you,"


"You really are something. You're incredible, I don't understand why you're insecure, you don't need to be, I love every part of you," my heart speed picks up. Love every part of me.

He loves me? No. He can't.

"What are you saying?" I mutter out and he smiles at me.

"That... I love you, Niall," my heart stops at the words. Does he mean that? My emotions seem to take over me as I begin to cry. He laughs a little and wipes away a tear.

"R-really?" I question him and he smiles.

"I love you so much," I just smile and cry into his shoulder as he hugs me tight.

"I'm so sorry, I never told you. I should of told you all along how I much I love you. Because it's so much it hurts my heart," he whispers to me and I love what I'm hearing.

"I l-love you too," I cry to him and he laughs stroking my back, "I love you Harry,"

"I love you," he kisses my head and pulls my face to his, resting his forehead on mine.

"Let me show you," he whispers and I look into his eyes.

"Show me," I say back and he starts to kiss me sweetly.


who wants first fuck scene?

that was a dumb question. of course you want it.

love you baes---

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