Chapter 5

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"Niall, go to sleep this instant or I'll wake you at five when I go out to collect bread for the chef," Myrtal is warning me again and again, but Harry is on my mind, that boy does things to me, unspeakable things, in other words, he could say 'you look so sexy right now'  to me and I'd instantly be hard, no joke. Lets think of something else before I'm currently having trouble falling asleep because of his beauty and caring ethic he appears to with hold.

He's got these killer greeny browny eyes that I want to stare into forever, but I believe myself that he's fully occupied by that stupid pretty maid the family have. Not some boy who's family disowned and threw out on the streets just for a kind woman named Myrtal Wesconstan to find and greatly bring home to the Lord and Lady Styles' house in the forrest. wow.

Sorry, he's just so perfect and he distracts me with his looks. His swag distracts me. 

"Sorry Myrt, I'm just - I just - I don't know, I'll go to sleep I'm sorry for keeping you awake," She sighs loudly and I turn on to my side, facing the plain beige wall that's here.

"Nialler, come over here boy," I stand up, with my head drooping down, facing the floor, how can a boy excite and depress me all at once, what even is this? I have never felt this feeling in particular before, I mean, yeah, I've felt pain, utter torment and severe pain from regular beatings which no longer occur, but I have never experienced this. But, I'm positive it's not love. Love is a much more intense feeling as it's described in books and things.

I sti on the edge of her bed and she smiles at me, "You really like him don't you? I could see it when you looked at him, he likes you Niall, I could see that in him, but please be careful around him ok?" She almost sounds as if she's warning me, but she can't be, she's just a friend giving me some advice.

"OK, thank you Myrtal," I get back in my own bed and suddenly there's a soft knock at the door, Myrtal gets up and answers it, telling me to go to sleep.

"Mrs. Wesconstan, I'm terribly sorry to disturb you but is it possibly any quieter in here from the noise my fucking step mother makes?" Harry sounds angry, well, I think it's Harry, sounds like him, he has a really amazing accent and voice.

"Of course, Master. Styles, always room for you in here, only NIall has the bed you used to sleep in when things got too loud," Myrtal shuts the door behind Harry and he walks in. Oh shit, this was Harry's spare bed?! Wait Harry used to come here and sleep with Myrtal? Was he ever scared as a child?

"Niall is sleeping so best not disturb him," Myrtal explains to Harry and I wanna shout at her because that's not right, I'm wide awake and the reason for it is in the same room right now! What is Myrtal doing? She knows I like Harry, she knows I find him attractive...

I feel really lost, like I wanna break down and cry but that would be irrelevant.

Or would it? We're all allowed to cry when something upsets us, so yeah, Imma cry over practically nothing, well I think it's the reality that my family hate me that's just hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Wait, Myrtal," I hear Harry whisper but that doesn't stop my silent sobbing which isn't that silent, "Do you hear crying?" He asks and everything is silent, except me.

"Niall?" Harry calls.

"Y-yeah?" I try to keep my breathing steady and calm but I'm failing.

"Are you crying?" He walks to my bed, my face not facing him but the wall so he can't see me.

"N-no.." I stutter and he sits on the edge and taps my shoulder, the sparks from his touch set my bones on fire.

"Yes you are, somethings upset you, what's wrong?" He moves closer and leans over my back looking at my face and gives me one of the biggest cheesiest grins I've ever seen, and It makes me smile if I'm honest, "can I lie with you?" He asks and I instantly nod, he climbs in and puts an arm around my waist, this isn't real, this isn't happening, Harry isn't cuddling me, no, I'm dreaming.

"You're really warm," Is the first thing outta my mouth as Harry cuddles me, Harry is cuddling me, holy shit.

"You're really cold, what's bugging you then? Come on, talk to Hazza.." He says childishly but it's adorable, and I like him a lot.

"Just my family.." I sigh and feel tears well up again, Greg hasn't even spoken to me.

"What happened? You don't have to tell me, turn round," I do as Harry says and he suddnely lies on his back and pulls me onto his chest where I have access to listen to his heart, beating slowly in his chest.

"Just, got practically disowned.. kicked out my house, luckily Myrtal here found me," I keep my head pressed to his chest, this is like heaven, I love this but he probably doesn't feel the same about me as I feel about him.

"If you don't mind me asking, whatever for?" He wonders out loud and I don't know if I should tell him, Myrtal said he's lovely, but is he judgemental? I doubt it, people aren't usually judgemental towards me. Myrtal was like the mother I never had when I told her why I was out in the cold.

"I.. urm.. my mum- dad- no my mum.."

"You don't have to tell me Niall, don't hurt yourself," that's the thing, I wish I could say I won't. Or I haven't.

"You what?" He says and shit. Did I say that out loud?


"You said something about wishing you haven't hurt yourself... You haven't, like... Have you?" He asks and his eyes actually gloss over in the mild moonlight hitting his face perfectly, making those green eyes sparkle.

"Y-yeah... I did.. but-" I can't hold it in now, I just cry into Harry's chest as he holds me close to him, gently stroking my hair.



"Where did you hurt yourself?" He asks me gently, I raise the sleeves of this top I was given out of Harry's old clothes and he sighs once he's seen.

"I don't want to invade your past so I'm not going to ask anymore questions, it simply wouldn't be fair," he brushes a piece of my hair off my face and continues to play with my hair in the now silent room. Myrtal being asleep and I being on the brink of it.

"You fall to sleep now, I'll be right here," Harry promises and just plays with the strands of my hair.

I'm just gonna.. fall asleep and all I dream of is the gorgeous boy holding me.


--sorry it's been so long, hopefully you like this update, but I've just been busy and every time I thought I'd discovered time for writing something else would come up

Thank you for being so understanding.

Love you baes--

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