Chapter 25

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I'm just laying awake at seven am as you casually do, my baby just sprawled out on me. I had the best birthday ever to be honest. And my arm feels like ten times better. I can move both my arms now! Which is great.

I'm startled by knocking on the door and then Myrtal pasing in.

"Niall-" I shh her frantically and she looks offended.

"Shhh please don't wake him." he snuggles against me and sighs in his sleep. I gently settle him again by carding my fingers through his fluffy hair.

"But he needs to do his chores, I have done it for him a couple times," she says quietly and I give her pleading eyes, I'll have to tell her, "Wait, Harold, why are you even awake at this hour?" she wonders.

"Well, I'm worrying about him. I haven't really drifted back off to sleep since he woke up around three and started crying for about two hours to me," Myrtal's expression softens as she looks at him.

"What was he crying about?" she asks me and I stroke his head to keep him settled and sleeping peacefully.

"He woke up and started crying, I naturally wanted him to stop because it's awful seeing him all upset. But he kept telling me he didn't want to live and t-that he just wanted to be happy again, and h-he wanted his family to love him," my voice breaks without my consent for it to happen and I have probably slept for about half an hour if you add up all the little times between five am, when he finally went back to sleep after crying so much and now, at seven am.

"Well how did you get him to sleep and stop crying?!" she asks and I sigh.

"I gave him a sleeping pill and kept telling him it'll be okay, that I love him and I won't ever hurt him like his family did," her eyes widen at the mention of sleeping pills.

"You mean to tell me you have sleeping pills in the same room as a depressed and suicidal boy?" she raises her eyebrows and I shake my head.

"God no! I wouldn't want anything like that to happen to him! They're not in here, they're somewhere he will never find them, ever," she nods and smiles kindly.

"Oh, well.. leave the poor boy sleep, I'll do his job for him, but as soon as he's up and in a mentally stable state I want you to let him know this is the last time I'll do it!" she warns and I nod to let her know I'll remind Niall.

"Alright, Harry try to get some more sleep, he'll wake you up if he needs you," she knows he will so I believe her.

"Ok," she nods once to say goodbye and leaves, shutting the door gently behind her.

I guess I should sleep again but I can't stop worrying about my boy. I hope he'll be and feel a little better this morning.

"Harry," his little voice calls me.

"Yeah baby?" I gently stroke his cheek and he gives me the cutest tired smile I've ever seen.

"I'm awake," he says and giggles cutely.

"You should go back to sleep," I tell him and he frowns and yawns. Making baby dinosaur noises.

"Whyyyyy," his little eyes shut before he forces them open again.

"Thats why! And you were awake for two hours this morning," his bottom lip pouts out. Stupid Harry. Bringing it up again. Something upset him you don't just remind him of that!

"No No! Niall, I'm sorry baby, Please don't cry," I wipe his tears away and press kisses to his face.

I keep pressing lots of kisses everywhere on his face and he starts to laugh.

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