Chapter 33

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Niall said he was taking a shower. He's been in there for ages. I'm worried as fuck now. Harry it is not like you to swear. Stop it.

Marcel has been working with Niall to help him with taking his meds and things like that. Sort of an additional help alongside me. But Niall has been in the shower for a very long time.

He takes long showers anyway but yes this is exceptionally long.

For the past week he hasn't been that great. He feels ill he says but I don't really know. He has looked ill.

I knock on the bathroom door and the water in the shower is still running.

I hear a bit of shuffling about but then it's not from inside the bathroom, but Marcel coming in.

"Harry? That water has been running for at least 45 minutes now.. is Niall alright?" He asks and I start to panic. What if Niall isn't alright. What's he doing. I hope he isn't harming himself. I know he threw out all blades he had.

"I-I don't know Marc," I stutter and try and open the door. It's locked. Fuck.

Marcel comes over to me and listens through the door.

"Bang the door down," Marcel says and I learnt how to do this in India! I know. I learnt a lot on my travels through India.

I kick the door hard but making sure not to hurt myself and Marcel rushes in.

"Call 999," he says turning off the shower and I grab my phone. I don't know if I want to see Niall. What's happened?

I look in and pills... Everywhere. Fucking pills. My eyes instantly tear up and I fall down besides him sobbing uncontrollably. Is he  unconcious? I lean down and listen, he is breathing. Thank fuck. I just hold him and he looks up at me with red eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," I shake my head as tears fall on to his face from rolling off my nose. I slap him, sounds kind of rude, but to keep him awake.

"It's okay. Baby, look at me, come on," I can hear Marcel talking to the ambulance operator. I hope they're quick.

"I.. I couldn't," Niall chokes out and I shake his head to stop him from falling asleep, because he might never wake up.

"They're on the way Harry, stay calm, keep Niall awake as best as you can. I have a brother to beat the shit out of," Marcel says and we both know who's the cause of this. I told Marc what James had said to Niall and how Niall had just brushed it off. He wasn't fine. It hurt him like hell.

"You couldn't what?" I ask Niall. Holding him up. And I suddenly don't care what Niall was gonna say, what if I can make him throw up?

Yes. This is going to be gross.

I hold the boy up over the toilet and he looks at me with hooded eyes. Laced with confusion.

"I'm sorry," I say quickly as I sob before I open his mouth and shove two fingers in. As far back as I can get them and he gags. I don't want to choke him. I just want to make him throw up.

Maybe it will help. A little. Anything to help.

I push my fingers back again and he suddenly throws up everything. It does get on my fingers but at least he's awake. It's gross. It's all over my fingers. Lovely.

Niall gags again and throws up even more. Marcel comes rushing in and I'm still sat here sobbing as Niall throws up.

"Harry what happened?!" He asks and helps me hold Niall up.

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