Chapter 10

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Maybe one day I'll meet him again.. in another life? Because there's no way I'm getting this Harry so what if I get him in a different life. Like.. maybe when I reincarnate as a flower he can be the bee that lands on me.. might as well keep dreaming or give up because that shit ain't real. He's just avoided me all fucking week. He doesn't even look about my way. Not even in a quick glance.

He's breaking me slowly. Zayn hasn't been around either. Like where did he go? Well I guess he has a life too. But Harry is just being childish if I'm honest. Ignoring me because he can't take the fact he made me cry. Wait what if that's what the problem is. He can't look at me because he made me cry, made me upset. Really upset.

"Niall keep moving.. I know you always think when you do this but come on. The sooner you're done the sooner you're free to do whatever.. Harry's in the garden thinking too.." Myrtal says and walks past me carrying plates and taking them to the cupboard.

I continue with my job and think about what she's said. Harry is outside thinking.. thinking about what? Where his little whore maid is now? Where she went after she got fired. She actually came to me and apologised and said 'Harry just came on to me, I was actually trying to push him away' and to he honest, she did look uncomfortable when they were making out. So I accepted her apology and then recognition flashed over her eyes and she suddenly realised who I am.

And she said to me 'Niall..? Niall Horan?' And I couldn't help myself. I just ran away from it. I can't have the others finding out where I am. I don't want that again. I can't go through it again.

I'm surprised to find myself finished and I've ran out of plates to put into the dishwasher, I shout out across the kitchen if there's anymore and everybody says no. I shrug to myself and shut the machine and begin the wash cycle.

I look out the window and in greeted with an image of Harry looking at nothing in particular, thinking as Myrtal would describe.

Should I go out there and talk to him? Maybe he wants to talk now. After avoiding me, he's been being a bitch and a twat recently. I try to talk to him but he doesn't even acknowledge my presence. It's heart breaking and I don't want him to ignore me. I exist and I believe I at least deserve an explanation for his ignorance of myself. I like Harry. A lot. And sometimes I feel like I let my feelings and infatuation of him get far too much. Does he like me? I mean he gave me a hand job for gods sake. He said he was returning the favour but that's probably bullshit. He was probably just pulling a deep stunt of cruelty somehow. I'm not sure how yet but I'm sure he's just doing it for some reason. But one thing I don't want or need, is him to leave.. like the others.. like the maid. She knows me. She remembers me. And that scared me a lot. What if she comes back and brings them with her?! I can't do that. No.

Wait Harry. Went off topic there. Does he really wanna talk or is he just being an ignorant fuck? It's up to him if I'm honest. He wants to talk. He can. Otherwise he is never talking to me. I don't give a fuck how beautifully attractive that boy is. How hot he is. How actually quite kind he is. He hurt me with that bitchy whore who I do remember and I choose not to let her back into my head.

'You're just an ugly gay fuck,"

The words play over and over in my head.

"I thought you were my friend," I was so pathetic.

I still am.

"Are you alright Niall? Just thinking are you?" Myrtal wonders as tears build up in my eyes. I've never told a soul about my past and I dont think I can trust anyone with that knowledge, with the power to kill me if they wanted. They could easily use the knowledge and power of my past to destroy me. Internally and externally.

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