Chapter 15

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"W-what do you want.." my heart speeds up at the look of his face, a face I never wish to meet ever again! I want Harry.

"I was just wondering where Judith is yano, the cook, she's pretty cool, we hang out sometimes," he says snarkily. My heart is beating out of my chest. I can feel it. My ribs are gonna break.

"P-please leave m-me alone, Z-zayn" images of his fucked up pleasured face hovering above me is invading my thoughts. I can't breathe.

"I will.. just hope you haven't been spreading shit," he whispers in my ear and I try to blink away the tears. I know I left Harry alone with his thoughts but I have just spoken to the person who fucking raped me. Don't forget what you did to him.

I can't forget what I did to him. It's like.. imprinted into my insides.

Tears run down my face hot and heavy as I run back to Harry's room.

I crash through the door and he stands up instantly at the sight of me crying.

"Ni," he opens his arms and I run into them. I feel safe and secure in his arms, they just have that effect on me. He's so warm and fluffy though.

"Baby- I-I mean Niall...what's wrong," he asks and my heart aches for him. He likes me and I'm putting across he's not allowed to. I've told him not to. Basically, I shouldn't have done that to him. He might not love me yet, but he certainly likes me and I should give him that chance.

"Z-Zayn was here!" I cry and he wipes away my tears and brushes my hair out my face.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you now he won't touch you ever again. I won't let him," Harry promises me and hugs me tightly, my face pressing into his chest.

"You're allowed to like me Harry. I never meant to put across that you shouldn't," I say to him to clear that up hopefully.

"Yeah, I know, I just don't wanna hurt you more than you've already been hurt, by me.." he looks away in shame and I smile at him kindly.

"It's fine honestly, can I stay with you tonight?" I ask and his features lift instantly into a smile as he nods.

"I'd love for you to stay!" he says cheerfully. He's just so wonderful and quirky I find. I do enjoy his presence. He's cute too, very cute. He gets a little clingy when he's sleepy and I find that extra cute, like oh em gee.

"Do you want to watch a film or something?" Harry asks me rather nervously to be honest. What's up with him. He doesn't have to be nervous about being around me.

"Are you okay?" I have to ask. I need to know if he's okay.

"Yeah-I-I don't know," he sighs and sits down.

"Haz, what's up?"

"How can you possibly love somebody like me? I'm such an asshole Niall, all I've done in the past month is hurt you, and I'm so sorry about that, I don't know why I tried to fight the feeling, because every night I feel it, I just want you close to me and I don't know," he just sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. I'm bewildered. Honestly was not expecting that. Jesus Christ.

"R-really?" I feel myself getting pointlessly emotional at his little speech.

"Yeah," he stares me deep in the eyes, over the past few days he hasn't kissed me like he used to.

"I just love you I guess, everything about you, you're just wonderful and flawless to me," I look away and watch as my feet uncontrollably dance around.

"Hey," Harry pulls my chin back up so my eyes meet his gaze.


"I'm not wonderful. I'm horrible. Always have been, I'm what the world calls a fuckboy, I don't mean to be but I am and I hate to hurt you, I'm sort of fighting an internal battle with myself to let my heart love you, but my mind remembers what happened last time I let myself go. I shut myself out for reasons," he's not a fuckboy! Really brain, is that all you got out of that?

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