Chapter 19

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little bit of smut. don't like it. don't read it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Niall," somebody pokes my face. No, fuck off.

"Nialler.. wakey wakey!" I groan as Harry tries to wake me up. Why am I being woken at such a ridiculous time.

"What..'s six am," I look at the clock on the wall in Harry's bedroom.

He smiles at me cutely. What does he want?

"Morning," he states, beaming happily at me and I'm still tired. Why has he woken me. He's too cute to get his ass beat.

"What do you want, Harry," I snap at him, my voice cracking at the end.

"I-I have been awake for ages and I just wanted to talk to someone. I was getting bored.. I'm sorry I woke you up," he turns around and I feel bad now. I'm always grumpy in the morning. Especially if I'm woken by someone.

"Harry.. babe, I didn't mean to snap at you," I curl myself on to him to cuddle him from behind, I'm slightly scared he didn't mean what he said last night. About asking me out. I'm scared he was leading me on again.

"It's okay, I shouldn't of woke you," I hear a slight sniffle at the end of his sentence.

"Hey, why are you upset," I say like a demand and a question.

He turns around to face me and sniffs again.

"I feel like my dad won't approve of us, a-and it keeps me up at night worrying about it, I'm scared Niall, I'm so so s-scared," tears roll over his cheeks and I gently wipe them away.

"I hate seeing you cry," I whisper to him and kiss his forehead.

"Come on, let's get some more sleep because you look tired babe," I turn myself back around and Harry's arms snake round my waist pulling me closer. Before we sleep though there's one thing on my mind.

"Harry," I start off sounding rather nervous.

"Yeah baby?"

"Did-" I take a deep breath, "did you mean what you said last night?" he's not the only one who's frightened.

"Nialler," he sighs and turns my head to face him, "I want you to be my boyfriend okay?" I nod in understanding, good, "I'm not leading you on again, I promise, this time it's real," he leans forward and captures my lips in his for a sweet kiss.

"Night night Harry," I lie back down and he says night back to me.


The next time I wake up is only an hour and a half later. And it's not due to natural reasons.

I can feel Harry is hard and rutting up in his sleep against my butt. Can't say I hate it to be honest. Feels kinda good as every now and then I can feel his head rub over my hole and it's turning me on.

Harry's arms tighten around my waist and he ruts up a little harder. Groaning as he does and mumbling, "Mmm fuck," ok now I'm really hard.

"Harry," I say and he is asleep still.

"Harry wake up!" I say a little louder and he snuggles into my back affectionately.

"What," he rubs at his eye the cute little shit he is.

"You were.. rubbing yourself on my ass, it felt kinda awesome, but what you been dreaming about?" he blushes and laughs a little.

"I don't know," I turn around to face him and his pupils are blown out with a little ring of green surrounding them.

Fool's Gold - Narry StoranWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu