Chapter 10

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(Ahsoka's POV)

i sat in the couch next to Loki watching everyone freak out about what they just witnessed, whoever Thanos is, he controlled Maul, and we aren't safe.

Loki had his hand over his face thinking, Thor threw his hammer in the air and catching it, Natasha paced around the room while Obi-Wan tried to tel her to stop.

Anakin and Steve are chatting in the corner, Tony is sitting on the floor messing with his armor, Bruce is on his tablet doing research and Clint is fixing up his arrows. this is something i never thought i would encounter, ever.

"Who exactly is Thanos?" I asked Loki quietly, he took his hand off his face and faced me. "a merciless creature, he can mind control people with this gem called the Mind Stone. he did that to me, which is how i knew that is what happened to that sith." i nodded and sighed leaning back into the couch, mind control, does that make Maul stronger?

first we got Maul, then we have to figure out who Sidious is, and now we are dealing with Thanos. this is way to much for me, for all of us.

"can we defeat him?" i asked, doubting everything at this point, i have won battles before, but this is a full blown war, and i don't think i'm ready.

"i don't know." Loki sighed and scrunched his nose in anger. i put my face in my hands. Natasha and Obi-Wan are chatting quietly, Steve and Anakin sat down at the table joining the conversation, all of this is surreal to me.

"You seem to be very invested in your armor Stark" Thor said laughing, Tony scoffed and dropped his hand armor on the ground. "it's a little messed up, trying to get it ready for this war we are about to have." those words hit me. war. we really are going into war.

"are we even prepared?" i asked, Obi-Wan stopped talking and looked at me. Anakin gave me sympathetic eyes. "Enough practice and we will be snips." Anakin reassured, but that doesn't help me believe, i saw what happened down there with Maul, that's not even possible here. "we don't know what we are dealing with!" i shouted angrily, i'm fed up with everyone being so calm over this, we have never fought anything like it how can they be so okay with it.

"i think i know what he's after, the infinity stones, or me." Loki said softly, catching everyone's attention. "Stones later, you now, why you?" Clint asked putting his bow on his back. "I failed him once during a mission, they want me, they are after me. but it could also be the infinity stones, again i'm not to sure." Thor put his hammer on the ground "failed? failed how?"

"the new york incident, he wanted me to do that. when you guys caught me, i failed, i failed to conquer new york. i have the tesseract, and he wants it."

"you have the tesseract?!" Thor shouted now standing up angrily. "i'm not gonna give it to him." Loki said more sternly, i stood up and walked over to where Natasha, Obi-Wan, Steve and Anakin were, i didn't want to be in the middle of their heated brother argument.

"how did you get your hands on the tesseract without a guard seeing?!" Loki scoffed and turned his back to Thor "i'm not gonna give it to him, i love how you think so little of me Brother."

"and you wonder why!"

"ENOUGH!!" Obi-Wan yelled standing up, Loki and Thor turned to him. "enough alright! we are all on the same side now shut up both of you!" Loki sighed sitting back down holding his chest.

"how did Thanos even get here?" Tony asked from the ground fixing his other hand garment. "He didn't, he can take over peoples mind and they don't even have to be on his planet. he did that to me." Loki said messing with his bloody bandage. "i'm going to switch out my bandage" Loki got up and walked out.

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