Old Security

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"Come on, let's get you in the house. I'll run you a warm bath, okay?" Y/n nods her head into my chest and I grab ahold of her hand, before we walk to her house. I grab the house key she left behind and unlock the door.

I look around the living room, not seeing her father, so I carry on holding her hand as we walk up the stairs.

I get Y/n into her room and I sit her on her bed. I place her bag of stuff from my house on the floor.

I walk into her bathroom, running the water at a decently warm temperature, nothing too hot to burn. I put in some bubbles, I know she loves bubbles.

I walk back into her room, seeing her shiver breaks my heart. I know it's my fault.

"Arms up" I whisper, not wanting to be too loud

Y/n lifts her arms up and I pull my hoodie over her head. I unclip her bra, placing it on her bed.


She stands up, her whole body shivering more as I slide off her underwear. I throw them on the bed as well.

I pick her up, carrying her to the bathroom. I gently place her down in the warm water, letting her be consumed by bubbles.

I kiss the top of her head, before leaving her alone in the bathroom. I grab Y/n's dirty clothes and throw them in her hamper for the maid to collect this afternoon.

I take off my suit jacket as it got wet from when I placed Y/n in the water. I place my jacket on the back of her desk chair and a loud knock echos through the room. I quickly put my sunglasses on and go to the door.

"Y/n, I- Oh, Besson, what are you doing in there? Where's your coat?" Y/n's father seems hesitant to ask, but he gets it out

"Y/n slipped getting into the bath, I helped her in" He nods his head.

"Come to my office, we should talk" Brian starts walking towards the stairs, down to his office. I hesitate but I follow behind him.

Brian sits behind his desk and motions me to sit down on a black leather chair in front of him. I sit down, wiping the sweat off my palms onto my dress pants.

"I think we should talk about Y/n, before anything escalates" Brian ruffles through a drawer in his desk and pulls out a large, thick file.

He places the file at the edge of his desk and opens it to the front page. It's a picture of a man in his late twenties, short black hair and dark brown eyes.

"This is Josh, Y/n's first security guard" Brian flips through all the pages showing different photos of men, and snippets of information.

"This is Alex, her last security guard. The one thing all these men have in common, they all were fired, for sleeping with Y/n" Brian closes the file, throwing it back into his desk.

"You're alright Besson, I don't want the same thing to happen to you. So if she tries putting any moves on you, come straight to me, I'll talk to her" I try my best to hold in a laugh, but I can't help but smile.

"Of course sir, thank you very much. So far she's been completely respectful towards Marais and I. I will let you know if that changes" Brian stands up, and I gratefully shake his hand.

"I'm going out to lunch, when Y/n is done in the bath, get her to call me" I nod my head before I leave his office, going back up to Y/n's room to make sure she's okay.

I get in her room, and she's not in bed, so I go to the bathroom and see her asleep in the bathtub.

I roll up my sleeves and grab Y/n out of the tub, placing her on the bed. I know she's going to hate me for getting her bed wet, but I'm not just going to leave her in the tub. I grab a towel, wrapping it around her small frame.

I take this as an opportunity to look around the house as she sleeps. Maybe get closer to what I'm looking for.

*Y/n POV*

I wake up, in my bed, wrapped in a towel and my blankets. Corbyn must've put me here once he came back to my room.

I get out of bed, throwing on my silk blue robe. I leave my room and it's dead silent. Someone has to be here with me, Dad wouldn't have left me all alone.

I start walking down the stairs when I hear a tinging sound, and a quiet curse word under someone's breath.

I follow where I heard the sound from and I follow it to Dads office. No one should be in there, especially when he's not home.

I open the door to find Corbyn, fiddling with a picture frame.

"What are you doing?" Corbyn jumps out of his skin, turning around to face me

"Hey mi amor, how are you feeling?" He asks with a guilty smile

"Why are you in my dads office?" I walk over, sitting down in his chair.

"Your father asked me to go through some files" Corbyn walks over, kissing the top of my head

"Liar" I shoo him away

"Okay, fine. Your father showed me a folder, of all your old security guards and I was going through it. Did you really sleep with all of them?" Corbyn sighs, sitting on Dads desk to face me

"No, just one or two. I just didn't like having them around. Why do you care?" I cross my arms, spinning around in Dads spiny chair.

Corbyn stops me from spinning

"I was curious because I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, but I didn't want to be a little part of this game you're playing. I really like you, Y/n"

"Corbyn, there's no game I'm playing with you. If I wanted to get you fired I would've done that when you first talked or the first time we fucked. I like you too Corbyn"

Corbyn leans forward, placing a hand on my cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb. He places a soft kiss on my lips before resting his forehead gently on mine.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Corbyn says in almost a whisper, as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear it, even though we're alone

"I'd love to be your girlfriend"

Corbyn picks me up out of the chair, grabbing my thighs and holding me tightly into his chest. I wrap my legs around his waist and he moves his hands onto my bare ass.

"Are you not wearing clothes under this robe?" Corbyn asks with a smirk

"When is my dad supposed to be back?"

"He said he was going out for lunch, so I'm not sure, why?" Corbyn raises an eye brow

"Want to do something naughty?"

"What's that, amor?"

"I've always wanted to fuck someone in here"

Corbyn's eyes go wide as he walks us over to the door, closing it with his foot. He walks us back over to my dads desk, placing me down on it. He pulls open my robe and stares in fascination.

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