Bad Dream

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*Y/n POV*

I stare down at the note, why would she want me to meet Charlie so bad? Couldn't she have just said that? Why a note?

I hear Matthew cry from his crib, so I quickly get up and get him ready to go out. I don't want to be here right now.

I get Matthew ready and in the car before getting myself in the car and off to the beach.

We get to the beach, and it's quiet, there isn't many people here at this time. Most people are sitting by themselves, probably here to clear their head like I am.

Matthew and I pick out a nice spot that's mostly away from other people.

There's just a man with his hood up and sunglasses on that's close, but I wanted to be close to the car, so I'll stay by the mysterious man.

I can't see the mans full face, but I can see it slightly from the side, his features are chilling, almost like I've seen them before.

I lay Matthew on the small blanket I brought and start singing him a song I always caught Corbyn singing. It always seemed to put everyone around in a better mood.

"All I want is nothing more, to hear you knocking at my door" I sing quietly but the mysterious man flinches, pulling at his hood. I notice the mans lips moving, as if he's silently singing the song to himself.

I watch the man, pull out his phone, quickly typing something out then shoving his phone back in his pocket, aggressively.

Maybe we shouldn't have sat here.

I sing a little longer until I hear someone come running up beside me.

"Y/n, whoa, what are you doing here?" Jonah let's out a loud breath, sounding like he ran here

"Just thinking. What are you doing here, Jonah?" Jonah sits down in front of me, blocking the view of the mysterious man

"We thought we'd go for a nice beach walk" Jonah points towards the parking lot, where Jack and Mara are walking from.

I hear a phone start ringing as Mara and Jack sit down beside Jonah in front of me. I look around Jonah to see the mystery man pick up a phone call. Jonah looks behind me and sighs.

"Is this guy bothering you? I can tell him to leave?"

"What? No, no, it's fine. He just looks oddly familiar" I shake my head but Jonah stands up

"I'll tell him to leave"

"Jonah, no!" I whisper shout but it's already too late, Jonah went over to address the man.

"Did you read it?" Mara squints her eyes, as if she doesn't want Jack to hear even though he's right beside her

"Read what?" Jack grabs ahold of her hand

"I did. When?" I ignore Jack

"Now" Mara nods her head in the direction of Jonah and the man, talking

"Is that him?"

"Mara, what are you doing?" Jack pulls at her hand, trying to get her to stop.

I stand up, lightly dusting the sand off my butt, making sure it doesn't go on Matthew. I keep my eyes on Jonah and the mysterious man who I now know is Charlie.

"I'll watch him" Mara says quickly, moving over to the spot I was once in.

"Y/n, just, don't get mad, okay?" Jack weakly smiles at me before I walk away, headed towards the two men.

My heart starts to race as I get closer and closer. Why does Mara want me to meet Charlie so bad? Why did Jack tell me not to get mad?

My palms automatically get sweaty and it feels like my heart dropped into my stomach. I shouldn't be doing this, why does it even matter if I do this?

I look back to Jack and Mara, hoping it'll give me a little encouragement. Jack looks at me with a sympathetic look while he shakes his head. Mara smiles while giving me a thumbs up.

Seriously? Why give me two different vibes? This isn't helping the situation whatsoever.

I turn back to Jonah and Charlie, I take a deep breath before stopping close to them.

This is it, here goes nothing.

"Charlie?" I try to say confidently, but comes out shaky.

Both Jonah and Charlie turn their heads in my direction. Jonah tries to move in front of him but doesn't do it fast enough. Charlie pulls off his sunglasses and my heart stops.


No no no, this can't be happening.

I've gone absolutely crazy.

I see him, standing in front of me.

This is all a bad dream.

"Mi amor"

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