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As we sit quietly, eating our ice cream, Corbyn all of sudden quickly stands up, walking around me and stands at my left side.

I don't know what's going on until I hear a voice, a voice I unfortunately recognize.

"Whoa whoa, just coming over to say hi to my girl" He chuckles.

I stand up, peeking around Corbyn's shoulder, seeing the guy from the party. The one who spiked my drink and dragged me out by my throat.

Jonah stands up, lightly grabbing my arm, pulling me back a little.

"Baby, come on, get your little roaches away from me and come hangout" He tries to reach around Corbyn to touch me but Corbyn pushes him back.

"What the fuck is your problem? Bitch, come here!" He yells at me and I flinch.

Corbyn punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground. A tear leaves my eye as I continue to shake in fear.

"Let's go" Jonah whispers to me as Corbyn gets on top of the guy, hitting him repeatedly.

Jonah grabs my arm again, pulling me away from the scene but I don't want to leave, not without Corbyn.

Jonah drags me back to the car and opens the door for me. I sit with my legs hanging out the side, still being able to see the scene.

"Y/n!" Jack yells running over to the car. "I was just walking by and saw your security hitting some guy, are you okay?" He pulls me into a hug, but I don't hug back.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I look behind Jack, seeing Daniel pull Corbyn off the guy. A few words are said between the two before Daniel walks the other direction as Corbyn walks towards us.

Jonah gets in the drivers seat and we wait for Corbyn as Jack continues to talk.

"Do you want me to call Mara? She can come hangout with you or meet you at your house" Jack offers but Corbyn runs his hand over his throat, as if saying no.

"No, I'm okay. I just want to be alone. Thank you Jack" I kiss his cheek, before getting fully in the car and Corbyn closes the door.

We start driving home, and the tension in the car is high, but I don't know why.

"Did you really just kiss your best friends boyfriend?" Corbyn asks angry, turning around in his seat

"What? I kissed his cheek, he was being nice to me" I respond, confused

"You could've kissed me, I'm your boyfriend, if you forgot" Corbyn takes off his sunglasses, giving me a wink. He's doing this on purpose.

"Well, thanks for saving me, but I didn't need your help" I scoff, pretending to be annoyed

"Well it's my job to save you" He sits back properly in his seat

"So I shouldn't have to say thank you"

"Oh, suck my dick" Corbyn rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his water

"I already did that in the bathroom earlier" I mumble, causing Corbyn to choke on his water. Jonah bursts out laughing.

We get back to the house and I race up to my room, not in the mood for any more socializing. I have to figure out what I'm doing.

I start packing some clothes that Corbyn didn't pack yet. Throwing some essential items in the bag too.

Am I really doing this? Am I really leaving Dad and Mara behind with mafia out to get us? Or me, I guess.

I hear my bedroom door click open, so I quickly shove my suitcase in the spot it was originally, so everything looks untouched. I sit on the floor, pulling out my phone, trying to look as casual as you can in a walk in closet.

"Amor? Why are you on the floor?" I look up to see Corbyn, standing in the door way. As soon as I look into his eyes, I burst into tears.

"Should we go to the bathroom?" He whispers, all I can do is nod.

Corbyn pulls me up off the floor as we walk towards the bathroom, the door clicks open again and I try to hold back more tears.

"Whoa, is she okay?" Jonah asks, sounding actually concerned

"Yeah, just having a tough time" Corbyn tries to cover for me

"I'll go get some water" Jonah backs up out of the room and Corbyn quickly pulls me into the bathroom.

"What's going on, mi amor?" Corbyn sits me down on the side of the bathtub and he kneels down in front of me.

"I'm scared to leave Dad and Mara with them. I don't want them to get hurt" I cry

"Amor, Mara is apart of this, she's in the gang. And for your father, he'll be okay, they'd never touch him, that's why they're after you" Corbyn speaks quickly.

Mara is in the mafia with them? But I've known her since high school. She'd go behind my back and let them go after me? Wait, why are they even after me and not dad?

"Corbyn, why are they after me?" I whisper

"You're your fathers weakest point, they want his money"

A knock on the bathroom door makes us both jump, almost knocking me into the bathtub.

"Uh, I have the water, but I don't want to come in, in case you're fucking again" Jonah laughs

"You're good man, come in" Corbyn calls.

Jonah walks in the bathroom, passing me the glass of water. I say a quiet thank you before drinking as much as I can, to rehydrate myself.

Corbyn and Jonah talk amongst themselves as I start feeling dizzy. My vision goes black and I fall back into the bathtub.

*Corbyn POV*

Jonah and I stand in the bathroom as Y/n drinks her water. A loud thud is heard and I whip my head around to see Y/n passed out in the tub.

Fuck. I run over and jump into the tub beside her

"Y/n? Amor?" I lightly shake her but she doesn't move. I check for a pulse and I feel it steady.

"What did you do?" I glare a Jonah, picking up her limp body.

"Come on, let's get her to the warehouse" Jonah says walking out of the bathroom

"Did you seriously drug her?! I had a plan to get her there tomorrow, when we're supposed to" I place Y/n in her bed, pulling a blanket over her

"Who cares? We can do it now and get it done and over with" Jonah goes to touch her but I push him back

"You're not laying a fucking finger on her" I push Jonah further away, making sure he keeps a distance

"Remember the rules we made, before sending you on this mission?" Jonah crosses his arms, leaning against the wall by the door

"Yeah, I remember" I mumble

"What was rule one?"

"Don't lose sight of the mission"

"Rule two?"

"Don't get attached to anyone or anything"

"Rule three?" I sigh, looking down. "What was rule three, Corbyn?"

"Don't fall in love"

"And what did you do?"

"All three" I whisper

"So come on, let's take her to the warehouse before she wakes up"

"No, I'll take her tomorrow, after our date. I want to have one more decent time with her before she hates me"

Jonah rolls his eyes before leaving the room. I quickly run to Y/n's closet and finish filling up her suitcase.

We need to leave earlier than planned. We'll have to leave as soon as Jonah falls asleep.

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