Ice Cream

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*Corbyn POV*

"Hey, what's going on? Did something happen with Corbyn? Did he hurt you?" I hear Jonah whisper, as I hide around the corner.

"Not yet" Y/n cries

She heard me.

She heard the phone call.

She knows everything.


I race up the stairs and straight into her room. I grab out her suitcase and start throwing in some clothes I think she'll want to keep. I have to get her out of here before tomorrow.

Before I get too far into her closet, I see a bug Jonah must've planted. A listening device to know what she's talking about every second of the day.

I start looking around the room, putting a yellow sticky note by every one I find. By the time I find 15, I figure out there's none in the bathroom, that's our only safe option to talk.

"Hey, Jonah and I-"

I run over to Y/n, covering her mouth with my hand. I place a finger over my mouth, signalling her to be quiet. I keep my hand over her mouth and pick her up, bringing her in the bathroom.

I place her down and close the door. She looks terrified and I'm the reason.

"I can explain, I promise" I beg as she looks like she's ready to burst into tears.

"Are you going to kill me?" She whispers and my heart sinks.

"No mi amor, I promise I'd never hurt you. I know you heard the phone call and I know what you're thinking but I'd never do that to you. I will explain everything tonight, okay? We have to leave for a bit, we'll have to leave early in the morning" Y/n looks at me with tears now falling down her face.

I never should've agreed to this

"How- How can I trust you?" She stutters

"I never lied to you about my feelings, Y/n. Honestly, I never really lied to you about anything. The only thing I didn't tell you about was Jonah and I are in the mafia. Again, I'll explain it all tonight, okay? Y/n, I'm in love with you, I would never do anything to hurt you"

She looks at me with sorrow eyes. She wipes her tears away before nodding her head lightly. I walk closer to her, wrapping my arms around her shaking body.

"Can I ask, one thing before tonight?" Y/n mumbles into my chest

"Of course amor"

"Why are we in the bathroom?" Her and I both let out a soft laugh

"Jonah planted bugs in your room, so they can hear everything we're saying. This is the only place that doesn't have one-" I get interrupted from a loud knock on the door

"Just a second!" Y/n yells.

"Okay, tonight I need you to pack some clothes, or whatever you think you'll need, okay? I'll come get you when we're leaving. Just, act normal around Jonah, don't let him know that you know"

"Y/n, are you ready to go?" Jonah knocks on the bathroom door

"Fuck Corbyn" Y/n moans and my eyes go wide.

What is she doing?

"Uhh... Should I come back?" Jonah laughs

"Just uh... give us five minutes" Y/n smacks my arm. "You know what, make that ten"

Y/n continues to fake moan until we hear Jonah leave the room. She looks me up and down with a slight smirk.

"You're really gonna turn me on by pretending we're fucking?" I laugh, shaking my head

"It was the only thing I could think of that makes sense that we're both in here!"

"Where are you two even going?" I disregard her reasoning

"He was comforting me, when I found out about your phone call. We were just going for ice cream"

"Okay, still go, but I'm coming. Please try your best to act normal, but if you're going to be cold towards anyone, be cold towards me, Jonah still thinks I don't know you know"

"God, you're making this so confusing, let's just go"

*Y/n POV*

"Fuck mi amor, you're so good" Corbyn says as we walk out of the bathroom.

I turn around to send him a glare but he mouths the word 'bugs' He's trying to make it seem like something actually happened if anyone's listening.

I walk out of my room, with my arms crossed, trying to look scared. Jonah comes out of his room with a smile.

How am I supposed to act scared of Corbyn if we were just pretending to fuck? This is so confusing.

"Ready to go Y/n?"

"Yeah, let's go" Corbyn says walking out of my room.

I give Jonah a light smile, seeing as I'm supposed to be scared. He gives me a sympathetic look, as if he isn't apart of the plan.

Corbyn grabs the keys to my Tesla and we walk to the car in silence. I don't know what to say, I can't talk to Corbyn because then Jonah will be suspicious and I can't talk to Jonah because then he might get suspicious of me telling Corbyn.

When did my life get so complicated?!

We pull up to the pier and we all get out of the car. I walk ahead of them both, just drowning in my own thoughts.

"You guys want anything?" I whisper out, keeping my head down

"I'll get it, what do you want?" Jonah offers

"Just vanilla, please" I softly smile before he heads in the ice cream shop while Corbyn and I find a spot to sit.

We sit at a picnic table on the pier and I take in my surroundings. You can hear the waves crash to the shore and the warm breeze whistle, with people having fun.

"Keep calm, okay?" Corbyn whispers, looking around

"What's going on?" I shiver in fear

"They're here, watching us"

"Who?" I look around a little more, then spot Jack, staring us down.

"Jack and Daniel are here"

"How did they know we were going to be here? Where's Zach?" I panic, but all I can do is look down. If I look around, they'll know I know.

"Jonah probably told them. They're watching us to make sure everything goes to plan. Zach won't hurt you in the open, don't worry amor. I'll keep you safe" Corbyn goes to grab my hand but I pull away, seeing Jonah walk over with ice cream.

"Here you go Y/n, Corbyn" Jonah places down our ice cream then sits beside me.

We eat our ice cream in silence. I can't stand it. I thought I'd be able to finally get a break from everyone being out to get me, but greed never takes a break, I guess.

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