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~10 Months Later~
*Corbyn POV*

She's struggling. I know she is. I watched her belly grow and herself grow weaker. I've watched bags grow under her eyes and her body grow thinner.

She's got permanent scars all across her face and body from Zach going too hard on her when he beat her. To me, she still looks just as beautiful as she did the day I first met her.

She had a baby boy, she named him Matthew. Matthew Levi Besson. She named him after me and I don't even have the courage to let her see me, or know I'm okay.

I was at the hospital when he was born, I'm outside her young mom's support group meetings. All so I can see her, see our son.

He's three months old now. He's the perfect mixture of me and her.

Her father moved her into her own house, which is unfortunately a few houses down from our new safe house.

She hasn't seen any of us, which is good, but I want to be seen. I want her to see me and I want her to know I'm okay, but I don't know how she'd take it. She'd be mad, she'd hate me forever if she knew I was alive and I abandoned her when she needed me most.

I haven't stopped thinking about her, and I'm hoping she hasn't stopped thinking about me.

I'm currently sitting in the parking lot for her support group. She should be coming out in about 30 seconds. Always 2:32 on the dot.

She comes out with her new friend Yericza, or Yere, with her daughter Rose. They always take a walk along the beach for about 10 minutes until Yere has to leave to go to work at a little diner on the other side of the city.

I've done my research. I know everything about everyone she's ever with. I have to make sure she's safe since she no longer has security with her.

She doesn't associate with her father anymore, even though he has been by her house twice a week to visit.

I watch her walk back to her car, she bought a new Range Rover, black, to blend in. She hugs Yere goodbye and she gets Matthew in the car, then herself.

I wait until both her and Yere pull away before I follow her, to wherever she's going.

I have a need to protect her, to make sure she's always okay.

These last months have been a living hell. Watching her and being so close to her almost makes me physically nauseous, knowing I can't touch her, talk to her or even be seen by her.

I follow her until she pulls into the parking lot of target. I park my car a few away from her, and watch as she shuts off her car but she doesn't move.

She sits in her car, and starts crying. I watch as she breaks down into tears, holding her hands over her eyes, trying to shield herself as people walk by.

My heart aches watching her cry. I've watched her cry almost everyday for the last ten months but this time hits different, this time I don't know the reason.

My leg anxiously starts to bounce and my breathing goes heavy. I have to do something, I've waited too long. I need to comfort her, be there for her. She needs me.

My hands begin to shake as I can't take my eyes off her. She's helpless and I need to help her.

I grab at the handle to open my car door, getting one foot out when my phone starts to ring, pulling me back in.

I let out a sigh before answering the dreaded call.

"Charlie baby, I miss you. When are you going to be home?"

Oh, right, my mission.

"I'll be home soon, babe"

*Y/n POV*

I pull my car into a random target parking lot, and burst into tears.

I keep seeing him, I see Corbyn everywhere I go. I saw him at the hospital when Matthew was born, by my support groups, by my house. I think I'm going crazy. I know he's never actually there.

I pull my car out of the target parking lot, after fully collecting myself enough to feel safe to drive home.

I just want to be at home, where I can be not okay without being judged.

I pull into my driveway, seeing a car pull up a few houses away. The car looks familiar, but I'm not too sure why.

I watch as the people get out so I stay seated in my car, hopefully staying unseen.

A shorter man gets out, with short, curly dark brown hair. Tattoos covering most of his arms and hands. A shorter girl follows him out, she's got shoulder length brown hair and an amazing fashion sense.

Jack and Mara?

I watch them walk into the house, just four doors down. I thought they would've moved, left after everything went down. I know my father isn't looking for them, Jonah promised to leave us alone if he didn't tell the police. So far, that promised has been kept.

I fight with myself, and decide to go knock on the door, making sure it really was them.

I miss them, 5 years of friendship ended so quickly. I somewhat forgave them, for not telling me. For putting me through everything. I just want them back.

I walk up to their front door, with Matthew in his stroller. I knock on the door and hear shaky voices and a weird bang before someone clears their throat then the door opens.

A small girl with long black hair that's pulled into a pony tail, stands on the other side of the door. Her dark brown eyes and small smile makes me feel a little safer.

"Hello miss, how can I help you?" She smiles

"Hi, um, I was wondering if Jack or Mara was here?" I grip tighter onto the stroller, preparing for the worst.

"I'm sorry miss, no one with those names live here" She smiles lightly before going to close the door.

I put my hand on the door, stopping her from closing it when I see a familiar face walking down the staircase a few feet behind her.


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