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*Corbyn POV*

I watch as Jack and Zach leave the room, dragging Y/n with them. They better just make the trade and leave her be. They'll get their money, they don't need her anymore.

I can't believe I just let her walk away without a fight. I didn't even try to stop them as they dragged her shaking body through that door.

I never should've made that stupid plan. I never should've gotten attached, never should've fallen in love.

She said she loved me.. I convince myself that it was in the heat of the moment, not that she actually meant it. I don't want her to mean it, that makes it much worse thinking that she loves me and I let her go.

She's fucking pregnant and I let her go. She's carrying my baby. I just want them safe, I'm praying her and the baby are safe after everything Zach did. If he hurt the baby, I don't know what I'll do but I can tell you, it won't be good.

Jack and Daniel walk back into the room, with stupid smiles on their faces. My swollen eye strains to look at them but I manage.

"Are they gone?" I ask, looking between them both.

"Yeah, Jonah and Zach took her to the meeting spot" Jack smiles, playing with his pocket knife.

Jack was going easy on Y/n, he's usually just as bad as Zach. He didn't want to hurt her. He nearly cried when he accidentally knocked her out when he hit her so hard her chair fell over. He kept apologizing to me, thinking he killed her.

They were friends, I understand where Jack was coming from. He was only apart of this because the rest were. When Mara found out we were targeting Y/n, she wanted absolutely no part of it. She never wanted to see her friend get hurt, she especially didn't want to be apart of the hurting.

"Well then untie me, idiot. Daniel did these so fucking tight" I chuckle causing both of them to laugh

"You're a good actor" Daniel smiles, pulling the ropes off

"Yeah.." I sigh out. "Acting. I'm gonna kill Jonah, he actually gave me a damn black eye" I stand up, dusting myself off and I see all the blood on the floor, none of it being mine, except for a little I spit out.

Maybe things did go too far.

"So, you wanna see the deal go down?" Daniel asks, nudging my arm with his elbow

"Yeah, let's go make sure it goes down okay" I force a smile as Daniel runs out of the room. I grab Jack's arm, holding him back for a second.

"You good?" Jack asks, putting his phone back in the pocket of his jeans

"Is Y/n actually pregnant?" I whisper, not really knowing if I want to know the answer.

We've done that before, pulled the same scheme. Pretended a girl was pregnant so their father gave up more money so the kid would be safe too.

Now that we've done it with Y/n, I'll be noting that we're never doing it again. She's my girlfriend, that's my baby. It hits so much harder when you're apart of it, and it's probably not a joke.

"What answer do you want to hear?" Jack chuckles, grabbing his car keys off the counter

"Lie to me"

"No, she wasn't actually pregnant" Jack sighs


We get in Jack's car and drive to the meeting location. We park down the street, so we're still able to see, but not close enough to get made.

I watch as Y/n's father hands Jonah a large black leather briefcase. Jonah takes it over to his car, opening it on the hood. Jonah turns back around with a smirk across his face.

Jonah walks to the car, knocking on the backseat window. Zach comes out first, then pulls out Y/n with her hands taped together and dry blood covering her whole face.

My heart breaks seeing her covered in her own blood, scratched and bruised. I really do love her but she'll believe I'm dead now and I guess that'll make things easier.

Make things easier for who? No one.

Jonah grabs Y/n's arm, walking her up just a few feet in front of her father before he pushes her to the ground, right in front of her fathers feet. Jonah and Zach grab the money then quickly get into their car and drive away at a high speed.

I watch as Y/n's father unties her hands as she sits on the gravel paved road, crying. Her father embraces her in a hug as we drive away, losing sight of the girl I love.

"It'll be okay man, we'll keep an eye on her" Jack lightly smiles at me through the rearview mirror.

I give him a light nod, not necessarily knowing what to say. Of course I'll keep an eye on her, watch her from a distance. I promised once I'd keep her safe and I broke that promise, but I'll never let anything happen to her again.

When we get back to the warehouse, Jonah and Zach make it back before us. They're already sitting at a small poker table, on horrible metal chairs. They're going through the money, throwing it into 5 equal piles.

Daniel and Jack run over to make sure they get their fair share of the money. I walk over slowly, I'm not as concerned about the money as I once was.

I want Y/n, I want our baby.

"Do we have to move cities again?" Zach asks, throwing his share into his back pack

"No, I told him if he told any cops that we'd kill them both. He wouldn't risk Y/n's life again. We just have to find a new safe house" Jonah chuckles, putting his share into a bag, throwing it over his shoulder.

All the boys leave the warehouse except Jack and I. I play around with my stacks of money as Jack just sits and watches.

"What?" I mumble

"We really left her with no one, didn't we?" Jack whispers back

"She knows you and Mara are in the mafia, she thinks I'm dead. She literally has no one, I can't believe I did this to her" I slam my head down on the table and groan. I never wanted this to ruin her life.

"Come on, let's go. We gotta look for a new house" Jack sighs, getting up from his chair and getting his car keys.

I sit playing with the money in front of me for a little longer. This is the first time this has felt wrong. I've never looked at money and felt disgusted until today.

This shit used to be a fun game of tormenting the rich and tearing them down a peg or two. This money holds guilt and all my broken promises.

I stand up, throwing my share of the money in my bag. I don't even want the money, I just want Y/n.

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