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*Corbyn POV*

Jonah, Vanessa and I are just hanging out watching movies while Jack and Mara are in the kitchen making the cupcakes that I'm forcing them to make with the random milk I got from Y/n.

Zach comes walking down the stairs, looking awfully suspicious. He smiles at me before grabbing his keys and sliding his shoes on.

"Where you going?" Jonah smirks, while I shove some popcorn in my mouth

"What did you say last time? Oh right, none of your damn business" Zach winks before heading out the door.

I look at Jonah but he shrugs his shoulders before focusing back onto the movie.

I look back and forth from the movie and the door, hoping Zach comes back soon. It all seems too suspicious and I don't have a good feeling about it.

Not long after he's gone, a gunshot is heard. I jump up from the couch, freaking out.

"Okay, where the fuck is Zac-Zayn?" I hate having Vanessa here

"Do you think that was him?" Jack comes running out of the kitchen, covered in flour

"It's fine Charlie" Jonah calls from the couch. I grab my vibrating phone out of my pocket, being more panicked with the name on screen.

"Yeah? Then why is Savannah calling me?" That got Jonah's attention. I let the boys in on calling Y/n, Savannah, as a cover when Vanessa is around

"Maybe she heard it too" Mara whispers as I answer the phone

"Sav? Are you okay?" I can hear Matthew crying in the background

"Isn't that the neighbour?" Vanessa asks

"Can- can you come here please?" She's scared, I can tell with the sound of her voice, she sounds just as terrified as the day we took her to the warehouse

"What happened mi-?" I cut myself off as Vanessa is just a few feet away from me, I don't know if she knows Spanish.

Jonah stands up, grabbing his keys and running out the door, leaving Vanessa stunned

"Hurry, please!"

"You fucking bitch!" Zach yells in the background

"I'm on my way" I hang up the phone, running out the door, I already see Jonah running up her drive way.

Jonah knocks on the door as I run up the driveway. I make it to the door before it opens.

"Y/n! Open the door!" I bang but try the door handle, it's unlocked.

Jonah and I run in, seeing Zach on the ground in the kitchen with a small pool of blood around him. I run to Y/n, who's got a gun in her hand and Matthew's cries echo in the house.

"Mi amor, I need you to let go of the gun, okay?" I grab the top of the gun, slowly lowering it from pointing at Zach.

Y/n fully let's go of the gun and I put it in my waistband, behind my back. I look back at Jonah, seeing him putting pressure on the gun shot wound in his thigh.

"That fucking bitch shot me!" Zach yells

"Amor, where did you get the gun?" I put my hands on her cheeks, pulling her face to look at me and off of Zach.

"I'm sorry" Y/n whispers, creating tears in her eyes

"Where did you get it?" Y/n's legs give out on her and she collapses to the floor, crying into her knees.

"Get Jack here now!" I yell to Jonah as I run up the stairs to get Matthew to stop crying.

I run into the nursery, seeing Matthew crying like there's no tomorrow, probably from the violently loud sound. I pick him up and rock him back and forth getting his crying under control.

"Hey little buddy" I hold him close, making silly faces to get him to smile

I walk back down the stairs with Matthew in my arms, hoping he'll calm Y/n down. I see Y/n sitting on the kitchen floor with her head between her knees and Jonah still with Zach.

"Mi amor, here, take Matthew" Y/n picks up her head, seeing our son in my arms. She nods her head before carefully taking him and holding him close.

"Where's Jack?" I walk over to Jonah and Zach, Zach screams in pain as Jonah fishes around for the bullet in his leg

"I'm here!" I chuckle as Jack runs in the front door. "Oh fuck, Y/n shot him? Badass"

"Jack, shut up before I kill you both!" Zach shouts, biting down on a kitchen towel

"That's my girl" I smile, looking over to Y/n, seeing her cradle Matthew tight with tears running down her cheeks

"I already called the doctor, he should be over at our place in about ten, we just have to get Zach there without causing suspicion" Jonah smiles before pulling the bullet out of his leg.

"I'll go on one side, someone get the other and we'll just make it look like he hurt his ankle" Jack chuckles, pulling Zach to sit up

"You guys take him, I'll meet you there after. I still need to talk with Y/n"

"Let me call Mara to get Vanessa out of there"

Jonah helps Zach stand up, so he's leaning against the counter. I help Y/n up, so we can go sit on the couch, but she doesn't move, she just stares at the blood all over the floor.

"You're so fucking lucky, Y/n" Zach growls, causing Y/n to shake.

"Watch your mouth, Herron"

"Let's go, asshole" Jack laughs grabbing Zach and they help him out of the house.

I put my hand on Y/n's lower back, lightly pushing her out of the kitchen. I get her to the couch, and I help her sit down. I sit down on her coffee table so I'm able to see her full face when I talk to her.

"Where did you get the gun, Y/n?" She looks down, scared to look me in the eyes

"My dad bought it for me" She mumbles but I make it out

"Why did you shoot Zach?"

"He was scaring me"

"Mi amor, you can't shoot everyone who scares you-"

"He pushed his way into my house, he backed me up into my kitchen counter, he threatened my life, I had every damn right to shoot him!" Y/n raises her voice, no longer showing any sign of being scared or even any remorse.

Maybe Jonah was right, she'd work perfectly in our gang but I don't want her apart of that life.

"It's okay amor, I'm not mad at you. I've always wanted to shoot Zach, you just beat me to it" I smile, causing Y/n to laugh. "I'm keeping the gun, okay? I don't want you accidentally hurting someone or yourself" Y/n nods

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have, I just couldn't look at him without seeing his shoe hitting my face over and over again" Y/n starts crying again. We really did traumatize her.

"How about, one day when I go train, you can come with, I'll teach you how to shoot"

"Yeah, I'd like that"

"Charlie! I know you're in there!" A loud bang on the door startles us both

"You get that, I'll start cleaning" I jump up from the couch racing to the kitchen

"What the hell am I supposed to say?" Y/n whisper shouts

"Anything! Just get rid of her!"

Y/n walks to the door, with Matthew in her arms. I start cleaning the floor while she answers the door.

There's muffled talking, and I hear Y/n let out a sigh before the door closes.

"What's the matter, mi amor?"

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