The Chase

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*Corbyn POV*

"Please, just for a little bit!" Y/n begs as I sit on the bed of our hotel room, resting my back against the head board.

"Mi amor, we have to be in hiding. People are after us and you really want to risk it, just to go to the beach?"

"Yes please! No one knows we're here, right? So let's try to live our lives the best we can" Y/n crawls onto my lap, moving the book I was reading out of my hands and throws it onto her side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" I whisper as she moves her lips, attaching them to the side of my neck. I suck in a breath, letting her suck on my skin.

"Please" She whispers in my ear

"Okay, let's go before I change my mind" The things this girl does to me.

Y/n jumps up and gets changed into her bikini I once helped her pick out. Back when times were more simple.


Y/n and I make it to the beach and it's overly crowded. Y/n picks a nice spot close to the water and a little close to a bunch of people, so we blend in nicely.

I place down our towels and my bag, which has a change of clothes and a few weapons. I still don't like the thought of being out in the open. We've only been gone for a few days, they'll obviously be still looking for us.

Y/n places her stuff down and immediately runs off to the water.

It's beautiful watching her be so carefree, even in a time she shouldn't be. She doesn't live in the past or worries about her future, she lives in the now and that's what I love about her.

She looks back at me as she becomes shoulder deep in the water. She waves me over, and I decide to be like her and live in the moment.

I'll always love being in the moment with her.

I get up, running into the water and swimming after Y/n. She squeals as she tries to swim away from me but I grab around her waist and pull her into my chest.

Y/n wraps her legs around me and wraps her arms around my neck. I place one hand on her thigh and the other on her cheek. I pull her closer to me and she places her lips on mine.

Y/n and I swim around until she gets tired and is about to head to shore. As soon as she says she's about to swim in, I get a bad feeling about it, so I grab her wrist and pull her back over to me.

"Corbyn?" Y/n looks at me but I look past her, to the shore.

I scan the area and see a face I'll always recognize. Zachary Dean Herron. His bushy hair and his banana swim trunks give him away as he tries to blend in.

How did they know we were here?

I pull Y/n further down the beach, away from where I see Zach. If Zach's here, they all are.

"I need you to be quiet and fast, okay?" I look at Y/n and she nods quickly, probably not understanding what's going on.

I grab her hand and start quickly getting out of the water. I walk us up to our stuff, grabbing my bag but leaving everything else behind. Nothing else matters, I just need the gun, in case they try anything.

I take a quick glance at Zach as we walk to my car. He's facing away from us and I see a gun poking out from his shorts.

I know this won't go down without a fight.

I get us in the car without being noticed by anyone unwanted. Y/n sits in the passenger seat shaking as I pull away from the beach.

"Wh-What happened?" She whispers, with her teeth chattering

"They found us. I saw Zach"

"Corbs, I'm so sorry" Y/n whispers as she starts to cry. Why is she crying?

"What's wrong amor? There's nothing to cry about. We'll just have to be safer next time"

"I begged you to leave the hotel when you didn't want to. You knew it wasn't safe and I didn't listen to you. I'm so sorry" She shakes her head in defeat and I feel my heart shatter.

I dragged her into this mess. It's my fault her life is at risk. She doesn't deserve this.

I pull my car into a parking garage and drive all the way to the top, for better lighting. I get out of the car and I start looking. I get on my hands and knees to look under the car, and that's when I see it. Left back wheel, Jonah put a tracker. That's how they found us so fast at the beach.

I rip the tracker off the car, throwing it over the side of the building. They have to know we're here now. It won't take them long to find us here.

"Y/n, come on" I open her door and pull her out of my car.

I reach into the back seat, grabbing my bag. I grab Y/n's hand and start running to the stairs to go down a few levels. I look around to make sure it's safe before pulling Y/n out.

I walk over to a cheap, run down looking car and I break the window. The alarm starts to go off, so I unlock the door and climb in. I hot-wire the car and the alarm stops.

I look back at Y/n and see her shivering as she's still in her wet bikini.

"Here, get dressed" I reach in my bag and grab out Y/n's change of clothes which is just a pair of leggings and one of my sweaters.

I grab out my clothes, putting on a black hoodie with some black jeans.

"We have to go back to the hotel room, grab the rest of my stuff then we've got to leave again. I'm so sorry, mi amor" Y/n nods that she understands but I know she doesn't want to. I know she just wants to be at home, feeling safe in her own bed but she can't. I can't risk her being there.

We get into the car and I start driving back to the hotel. Y/n is silent, and I don't blame her.

"You'll stay in the car, okay? I'll run up and grab our stuff" I try to lighten the mood

"Who's idea was it?" She whispers as I pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

"Idea for what, amor?"

"For coming after me, for my dads money" I sigh. I guess I never did tell her the whole story.

"Mine" I whisper, grabbing my bag and getting out of the car.

I walk into the hotel and all the staff smiles or says hello. I get in the elevator, going up to the 12th floor.

I sigh before I pull out the phone I've kept hidden from Y/n. I sent a quick text before the elevator doors open.

I grab out our room key as I walk down the hallway to find our room.

"Just grab the important stuff" I whisper to myself as I worry about leaving Y/n alone in the car.

I get into our room and quickly grab my bag of guns. I hear light footsteps behind me. I grab one of my guns and cock it.

"Hi Jonah"

"Hey Corbyn" I get hit in the back of the head before I can say anything more

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